Wednesday, September 09, 2020

...For richer or richer

High Society” is a 1956 American musical film set charting the

 romantic machinations of the socialite set of Rhode Island.

 A thread  throughout is to elicit sympathy for the hard times the rich

 can suffer too. They're just like you and me.  One of the songs in

 the film is “Who wants to be a millionaire?” Not I! declaims the

 swain who swears that the lifestyle of the rich would be

 meaningless without the companionship of the person being


That doesn't cut the mustard any more buddy. Billionaires are

 where its at. “Billionaires Are Getting Richer During The COVID-19

 Pandemic While Most Americans Suffer” is the headline from an
 online article in, April 27. The article, quoting the

 Institute for Policy Studies, says that whilst the tax burden of

 billionaires has fallen by 79 per cent since 1980 total wealth has

 increased by 308 billion dollars and that their collective wealth

 increased by 1130 per cent between 1990 and 2020.

The article states that between them three particular billionaires

 own as much wealth as the bottom fifty per cent of Americans.

In an unintentionally humorous comment the articles author says,

In our capitalist system which has ironically turned socialist (sic)  in

 response to the Covid 19 outbreak becoming a billionaire is fine.

Most of them have worked hard (sic) and built companies…”

What is sick is not just the suffering from a virulent flu strain

and resultant maladies from the attack on civil liberties but the

continuing actions on the part of the working class to continue to

 increase the wealth and power of a small minority in opposition

to their own self interest.


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