Saturday, July 10, 2021

Another session for Summer School


The schedule of Socialist Party Summer School comes closer to fruition.

Here are details of another session at Summer School:

Leon Rozanov will ask 'Do utopias and works of sci-fi offer appealing visions of a socialist world?'

Science fiction literature and films often show how people see the future of our civilisation. But what they most often portray is a failed, utterly cruel or dying world being ruined by either capitalism, environmental degradation, or some mix of the two.

 When there is a rare utopia among a swarm of dystopian cyberpunk, it usually presents a primitive pastoralist/agrarian society with some features of anarchist or socialist principles but no real vision of socialist cooperation on a worldwide scale. 

Are there any works of fiction that offer a vision of an appealing and realistic future socialist society where one really wants to start living right away? 

try and find out.

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