Sunday, July 18, 2021

Vacant Homes in the UK

 There are currently 341,419 homes across England, Scotland and Wales that have been vacant for at least six months. 

The vast majority of vacant properties can be found in England, with 268,385.

Scotland and Wales have 47,333 and 25,701 long-term vacancies respectively. Scotland counts the highest proportion of vacant homes with 19 long-term vacant properties per 1,000 houses.

The majority of vacant houses in Britain have been empty for at least a year with the City of London having the highest proportion of empty houses in England - 42.4 in every 1,000 empty for at least six months. 

As many as 42,021 houses have sat vacant for two to four years in England, 13,785 houses for five to nine years and 7,580 properties for more than 10 years. 

Over third of a million homes are long term empty... (

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