Friday, November 08, 2019

Standing by our principles

Our critics may try and find whatever flaws they believe to be in our case for socialism but one thing they cannot do is find fault in the consistency of our arguments.

 In today's debate between Brexiteers and Remainers, we take the position that neither side reflects the real interests of the working class and that workers need not take sides in their political fracas. 

Back in 1970 when the discussion was all about joining or staying out of the Common Market as the EU was called back then, the Socialist Party had this to say:

"The Socialist Party of Great Britain is neither for nor against Britain's entry into Europe. We stand for world Socialism and regard the Common Market issue as irrelevant from a working class point of view. Britain's joining the Common Market would amount to little more than a re-arrangement of tariff barriers. Which is a matter of no concern to workers, but of great concern to capitalists since it could affect their profits... It is the task of these parties [Tory and Labour] to work out policies that benefit capitalist industry in Britain and then to trick workers into backing these policies."

The Socialist Party then when on to state:

"It is because we know that the Common Market debate involves only the interests of these two sections of the British capitalist class and that, as we say in our declaration of principles, "the interest of the working class is diametrically opposed to the interests of all sections of the master class", that we refuse to take sides and warn workers not to be taken in by the political spokesmen of either section. We repeat now what we said when this red herring first appeared in 1961:
"Whether the British government goes in or not, British workers should be looking to promote their own Socialist working class unity with workers everywhere, not just in Western Europe" (Socialist Standard, January 1962)."

As always the Socialist Party takes a principled stand and refuses to be opportunistic as all the other vote-catching political parties. 

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