When billions of pounds are at stake why let such
trivialities as freedom to protest distract.
See video:
Tiananmen Square Massacre survivor Shao Jiang was arrested
in the street outside London’s Mansion House where a reception was being held
for visiting Chinese Premier Xi Jinping. He was holding two banners, which read
“End autocracy” and “Democracy now”. After his arrest and overnight detention
police searched his home and took away computer equipment.
Johanna Zhang, his wife, said: “It was like I was back in
China again.”
Shao Jiang explained “The real problem is that the
Government here is putting trade before human rights. Britain enjoys cheap
Chinese goods and Chinese investment but the price is paid by Chinese workers
who have no right to strike and no right to organize.”

The three protestors were initially arrested to prevent a breach of the
peace he said but were later rearrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit
threatening behaviour.
Tsering Passang, of the Tibetan Community in Britain group,
“As a British Tibetan, I am shocked the Metropolitan Police
would arrest peaceful protesters. Tibetans are being silenced both in their
homeland and now in the UK. I demand fair treatment for all protesters who are
standing up for human rights and democracy.”
The former Tory minister Tim Loughton questioned why pro-Tibet
and free speech protesters had been “corralled” behind barriers, while Chinese
“cheerleaders” were given prime position to watch Xi being driven up the Mall
to meet the Queen.
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