Monday, July 27, 2015

Buying the Politicians

Brothers Grimm, Farris and Dan Wilks, billionaires who have enriched themselves from fracking in West Texas, made a “record-setting” $15 million contribution to the pro-Ted Cruz Super PAC Keep The Promise. This is the largest-known donation by any individuals in the 2016 race so far.

It should be no surprise that in 2014, Cruz introduced the so-called American Energy Renaissance Act, which among other things curtailed the federal government's power to regulate fracking altogether while opening up more land and offshore territory to dirty energy exploration. He called the fracking boom a “providential blessing.” Cruz also praised Pennsylvania for its embrace of fracking in the Marcellus shale, and condemned New York for its cautiousness on the process.

The root of all this, the fracking, the politics, the manipulation, the power, it all stems from our system of market/monetary economics. You need to look past all of this. The effects of money are very real. War, poverty, politics, crime, abhorrent behavior, mental and physical illness and the waste of a planetary resources. Ted Cruz wouldn't exist in a world without money. Nor Bernie Sanders.

A real economy would be concerned with the well-being of all the world’s people. With the well-being of the planet we live on. The only one we live on. We need to eliminate the market/monetary system. Or our children, and if they are lucky, their children will see a repeat of the same old story, time and again. Just as we have all seen all our lives. One against the other. Self interest, differential advantage, social stratification, and scarcity does not generate a healthy society as the collapse of all such societies through out recorded history shows.

The monetary/market/scarcity/slavery paradigm is not the only socioeconomic system we can operate under. We do have the technology to change the world. We can create access abundance in accordance with natural laws that is sustainable and provides a high standard of living for all people.

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