Thursday, October 22, 2020

Sustainable Energy

 A team of researchers from the University of Leeds have built an energy-model to evaluate the global population's needs in terms of energy consumption by 2050. Their study showed that our global energy consumption could be reduced to the levels of the 1960s, when the Earth counted 3 million inhabitants, less than 40% of today's energy consumption and still provide a decent standard of living to all.

Their scientific model was based upon data and comparisons from 119 countries worldwide. They calculated minimum final energy requirements to provide decent living standards (heating, petrol, electricity, WiFi, etc) to the entire population (projected to be 10 billion people in 2050).

"We find that, with a combination of the most efficient technologies available and radical demand-side transformations that reduce excess consumption to sufficiency-levels, the final energy requirements for providing decent living standards to the global population in 2050 could be over 60% lower than consumption today," reads the study.

 Lead author Joel Millward-Hopkins, from the School of Earth and Environment at Leeds University, explained, "Overall, our study is consistent with the long-standing arguments that the technological solutions already exist to support reducing energy consumption to a sustainable level. What we add is that the material sacrifices needed for these reductions are far smaller than many popular narratives imply." 

Full study can be read at:

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