Another in our series of past election manifestoes. This one is from February 1974, a year that had two general elections.
From The Socialist Party of Great Britain
General Election Statement
THIS snap
election does not enable us to put up any candidates and run a worthwhile
campaign. But we have important things to say. In all reason, by now you must
be nearly submerged under the deluge of election propaganda.'Honourable settlement'; 'Fair shares'; 'One
nation'. Cynical phrases that reek of unreality. Do you really think that
whichever Government is elected, it will mean any major change or solve the
fundamental problems that confront us. In a lifetime you have seen successive
Governments making bold promises, trying to grapple with situations, going out
of office, their promises unfulfilled.
YOU and
millions like you are now asking — Cannot
something be done? Must we always live with unemployment, war, price rises,
industrial conflict, poverty and insecurity? The answer is an emphatic YES if
you continue to support those out-moded political ideas that you have held in the past. This challenge is not
only to the Tory supporter with his idea of 'a
national identity'; to the Labour man with his 'radical' proposals for more
nationalisation; to the thousands of young people on the ' Left fringe' who
still talk of 'Revolutionary situations';
'Smash the State', etc.—ideas as phoney as they are harmful to the
workers. Our challenge is to everyone. The time has come for you to take an
honest look at your position, and urgently. To take a stand in the class
struggle. Not to try and patch up by social reform, a wreck of a system, but to
take part in a world-wide movement to build a new way of life—a Socialist society.
problems arise from the inexorable workings of the capitalist system. These are
not British problems but world problems, linked with world capitalism,
whether in Russia, America, China, or
the rest of the world. A crazy set-up, where the world and its riches are owned
by a few. Where you, the worker, sell your ability to an employer, the
capitalist, in order to live. Where profit is the lynch pin in production.
Profitable buying and selling—human
needs an afterthought. This is the system which Heath and the Tories have been
unable to control. Like the previous Labour Government, they have been blown
off course. They might get returned to have another crack. Or will the Labour
Party breakdown gang be given another chance to fumble with running repairs;
they were hardly successful last time. Frankly, the outcome is no concern of
PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN is a revolutionary organisation. Our one object is the
establishment of Socialism. A Social system in which the means of production
and distribution are owned by the whole of mankind, regardless of race or sex.
COMMON OWNERSHIP. A WAY with buying and selling —IN with production for use. AWAY with money —IN with distribution according to need. AWAY with
the wages system —IN with contribution according to ability. IN with
co-operation for the common good. Socialism will alone solve the basic
conflicts that confront society. It cannot be established by waving a magic
wand, by a new political leader or a bunch of so-called intellectuals. It is YOU
and YOU alone who hold the key. Socialism will be democratically brought about
by political action, when you in a majority understand and desire it. Not a
moment before.

LET your
imagination run riot. The possibilities for achieving a full and enjoyable life
are legion. It's up to you. 1974 could be a momentous year in your life. Find
out more about THE SOCIALIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN. Help our movement for
Social Revolution.
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