Saturday, April 06, 2019

Joy of Freedom

India is in the long process of its general election. Unfortunately our companion party does not the possess the resources to participate. We hold that when a majority understand the nature of capitalism, understand the futility of electing leaders to reform it, and that a complete change of the basis of society is both necessary and possible. The candidates of other political parties pander to a variety of tastes and requirements, and play off one group of people against another. “Something for everybody” might well be their motto.

The World Socialist Party (India) seeks to change present society’s economical organisation and bring about the social emancipation of the working class. The main reason for the imperfections of today’s world capitalist mode of production where wealth is gathered in a few hands and society divided into workers and capitalists. In earlier times the right of private property assured the producer his product. But large-scale factory operation transformed producers to a class of wage earners.  A class struggle arose, which shall never cease, until the working class have stopped being wage workers through the abolishment of the private or state ownership of the means of production and their transformation to common ownership by all society and the replacement of the unplanned  production of goods. The interests of the working class are the same in every country and therefore the emancipation of the working class is one, in which every people of land must take part. 

Even today the major work of Parliament has to be done in committee, elected by the parliamentary parties for specified purposes. The socialist ideal cannot be accomplished within the present state; it can be brought into existence only by overthrowing the existing State. Democratic socialism proceeds from the principle that the political and social questions are inseparable; proudly rejecting any pact with the existing order, it is determined to win a democratic state for a society that will be organized on a socialist basis. Only we, the adherents of this socialism, are justified in calling ourselves a socialist party. We are social-democracy. The true democrat is of necessity a socialist as well.
World socialist society will do away with classes and will be organized on a three-tier system of local, regional and global Councils to deal with the administration of all their respective specific responsibilities relating to life, things, relations and problems. Money just like the State loses its function and disappears. Private property and all its paraphernalia relating to money, wages, profits, private, joint-stock, state, multi-national, transnational and corporate et al. ownerships, and all selfish private interests as against social well-being will be things of the past. Under such a global arrangement of things and affairs of life, the crimes of today will also be a thing of the past. In the event of any rarely occurring aberrations on the part of an individual member of society, the response will be educative and social correctional and compassionate counselling. Humans will have elevated themselves to a higher stage in history as a new-born humane species, leaving behind their prehistory of competition and conflict.  

Once the workers of the world take over parliaments by electing a majority of socialist MPs (actually socialist delegates) mandated to pronounce: Annulment of all property and territorial rights whereby all that is on and in the Earth becomes the common heritage of the whole humanity, just imagine how great will be the massive popular impact of this revolutionary event all over the world. 
People will not just remain sitting beside televisions at home simply watching the results; instead they will take to the streets and terraces in a gigantic delightful mood to celebrate this emancipatory historical occasion whereby the centuries-long hope of socialism is being materialized. Parliaments will actually be surrounded by workers from all walks of life, including the members of the armed forces as members of the working class, and others, even from some enlightened members of so far adversaries as well, joining them. Not hundreds, nor thousands, nor even hundreds of thousands, but millions will gather to voice support and join hands to make their own history with their victorious delegates and to enjoy the JOY OF FREEDOM forever from the clutch of the age-old class division of society. 
The world will see a new humanity without alienation and competition, and the budding of humanity’s full potential of cooperation. Will there be anybody to oppose this earth-shaking occurrence that relegates to the past class-divided pre-history by initiating the real universal human history in the making? In all probability there will be none. Yet, for argument’s sake, if there were to be any at all, will those brainwashed recalcitrant brutalized ruffians be able to face up to this human uprising the world over? Any rebellion would be appropriately dealt with by the winning workers having the necessary political power and command at their disposal. 
This momentous change will abolish the government over people and usher humanity into the realm of freedom by reorganizing the global community into a three-tier participatory democratic organizational system – local, regional and global to administer things and the affairs of life.

Win the battle of democracy
2. Do away with private property
3. Abolish the wages system altogether
4. End employment to end unemployment
5. Achieve abundance for all and inscribe on the banners:
From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs!
An association, in which the free development of each is the condition of free development of all
6. Elect MPs as mandated socialist delegates to overwhelm the Parliaments and pronounce: Annulment of all property and territorial rights whereby all that is on and in the earth will become the common heritage of the whole humanity.

 This will help clear away obstacles for the working class movement as a whole and usher the humanity into the realm of freedom towards World Socialism.
A. Socialists are not against persons, but against capitalism.
B. Socialism has never and nowhere been tried at all.
C. When it will be done, it will have to be established worldwide.
World socialism can be established only through a peaceful and democratic way, by means of collective understanding, number and rallies of the working class. However, if any minority group obstructs initiation of socialism, socialists will have to advance by encountering it. But force does not mean violence. Force or power is born out of the union of knowledge based on materialist conception of history and an independent organization of the working class. It is number, understanding and solidarity that constitute real force. Only working class is the majority – 95% of the population of the world. It is only the working class who perform all work in capitalism. Therefore their power is not violent. 

Winning elections does not weaken the argument for applying force, rather strengthens it. On the other hand, without taking the first step of declaring the legal defeat of capitalism through its own constitution, applying force against an elected government not only becomes futile, but also decimates the truth that it is the class conscious working class who is the majority. 

To win the battle of democracy after understanding what we are going to do, where the danger lies, what and why socialism has a double advantage: (a) we can show the socialist majority by sending majority delegates (not merely representatives) to the parliament, and (b) in case there be any attempt from any corner to block this mandate by using parliament, we can abandon the legality of the parliament, This tactics of social change via democratic means is free from violence and certain.  

 Arriving at the majority and with it instead of reforming capitalism and running its administration socialists will get set to its abolition; they will not accept any administrative posts of capitalist society before arriving at the position of its abolition. The task of socialist delegates (MPs) is not to help run the capitalist governing process, but to incapacitate the process itself, to facilitate the abolition of capitalism by the immense majority of socialists. Because, socialists neither support nor oppose the reforms of capitalism. Their only and immediate aim is to establish socialism. 

Without informed majority participation in order to reach at a democratic decision in the interest of all the conception of vote and democracy is meaningless. We need participatory democracy. 

Socialists do not trust political leaders, since the existence of leaders means the existence of followers and both remaining drowned in political ignorance. Leader/follower relation is anti-democratic. Organization and leadership are not the same thing; there can be organization without leadership. Leadership is not necessary when an organization is democratic. The immense majority of people of society can create socialism consciously in their own interest and with their own initiative. 

A socialist party does not require a leader, socialists are all equals. 

The World Socialist Party (India) has organization, but no leadership. This organization is carrying on political class struggle as a vigilant guard of one most appropriate and pertinent explanation first put forward by the Socialist Party of Great Britain in 1904. 

In Marxian conception socialism and communism are synonymous. Marx and Engels have used the two terms alternatively to mean the same thing - post-revolutionary participatory democratic socialist administration of things – affairs of life – in lieu of the   capitalist administration of men. In Marx’s view the principle of communism or socialism is: From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs. 

World Socialist Party (India)

  • Address: 257 Baghajatin 'E' Block (East), Calcutta - 86, Kolkata, West Bengal 700086
  • Phone: +91-33 24250208


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