8pm, Tuesday, 19th February
Committee Room,
Chiswick Town Hall,
Heathfield Terrace,
London W4 4JN
Our enemy is capitalism. In order to fight the enemy and win, we have to understand the enemy. Capitalism dominates our economic system. Under capitalism, a handful who own the factories, the mines, corporate farms, and the banks control the wealth that the majority of the people produce. It is this system that we are fighting. Workers cannot rely on the capitalist system, capitalist governments or any piece of legislation propose by politicians to solve the evils of the private profit system. Capitalism has already proved itself unable to give the people either economic prosperity or peace. The struggle for a livable planet is a life-and-death issue. Corporate greed has polluted our air, destroyed the environment, poisoned our waters, and filled our food with dangerous chemicals. Our survival necessitates the common ownership of production and the elimination of the blind consumerism that causes us to squander so many of the world's resources needlessly.
Chiswick Town Hall,
Heathfield Terrace,
London W4 4JN
Our enemy is capitalism. In order to fight the enemy and win, we have to understand the enemy. Capitalism dominates our economic system. Under capitalism, a handful who own the factories, the mines, corporate farms, and the banks control the wealth that the majority of the people produce. It is this system that we are fighting. Workers cannot rely on the capitalist system, capitalist governments or any piece of legislation propose by politicians to solve the evils of the private profit system. Capitalism has already proved itself unable to give the people either economic prosperity or peace. The struggle for a livable planet is a life-and-death issue. Corporate greed has polluted our air, destroyed the environment, poisoned our waters, and filled our food with dangerous chemicals. Our survival necessitates the common ownership of production and the elimination of the blind consumerism that causes us to squander so many of the world's resources needlessly.
The salient feature of capitalism is that the means of
production are in the hands of the capitalists. In producing the social product
of society labour only receives a portion of the product in wages, the
remainder becomes, as Marx said, surplus value expropriated by the capitalists.
Workers sell their labour power in exchange for wages. Capitalists must ensure
that the labour power they buy creates more exchange value than they first paid
for it in order to make surplus value. Owners of the means of production turn
themselves into capitalists by consuming labour power in the process of
production. This is the origin of all property under capitalism. Capital is
brought into being in the unequal exchange on the market between the owners of
money and the sellers of labour power. Workers can only live by selling their
labour power, by being exploited. If there is no exploitation there is no
capitalism. There can be no profit without exploitation and hence no
capitalism, Profits are the only incentive to produce. Thus, production ls only
undertaken to continue the accumulation of capital. The entire labour process
is directed not primarily for human need but for profits. Capitalism is a
system which has a compulsion to expand production and raise productivity - but
only for profit.
The Socialist Party understands that capitalism is a system
centered on accumulation and profit, a system of inequality, injustice, and
war. We want a social system where social wealth is not in the hands of a few
billionaires, but is controlled by the people. We seek economic and political
democracy. Human needs cannot replace profit as the driving force of society
unless the people control their workplaces and their communities. The world working
class shares an objective interest in ending capitalism. To combat
exploitation, the working class needs to struggle for its own interests. Capitalism
organises globally. Capital competes intensely for growth and profits. Under
capitalism you either destroy the competition, or are destroyed yourself. This drive sends businesses around the world,
seeking cheaper raw materials and friendlier investment opportunities. Capitalism
continuously seeks cheaper labour costs.
This is why we see so many factories closing down, out-sourcing or and
moving off-shore. The State – the government and the legal system – were set up
and developed to serve the interests of capitalism, to uphold the rights of
property over of the people. Capitalist politics is a system of coercion. Poverty
and inequality is built into its operation.
The Socialist Party works to develop a new vision of
socialism. We believe in a socialism where fulfillment will be found in the
relationships among people and not in the consumption of things. Only conscious socialist planning by all of
society can make this a reality. We
intend to build a party which can truly represent the interests and aspirations
of the workers of all lands. The Socialist Party represent the conception of socialism
of the future. We seek a world in which the exploitation of man by man shall
cease, when the evolution of human society to new and higher forms shall become
possible to all mankind, when prosperity and peace shall be shared and enjoyed
by all. It is the capitalist system which produces disaster and misery. Comrades,
in this twenty-first Century we urge that there be no pessimism. Let there be
no sense of frustration. The future is ours. And there are those of us who were
never more optimistic, never more certain, never more determined to achieve the
goal of socialism than we are on this day in the year 2019.

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