The Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh,
17 West Montgomery Place,
Edinburgh EH7 5HA
“Our theory is not a dogma, but a guide to action,” Marx and
Engels said, ridiculing the mere memorising and repetition of magic formulas.
A back-and-forth exchange of views can potentially achieve a higher level of
clarity about the problems confronting the socialist movement. There has been a depressing lack of
principled debate among those in the anti-Bolshevik groups.

If unity is to be achieved, we do have to air differences
and disagreements, debate and discuss them. There must be a willingness to
examine all views seriously, to draw conclusions on the basis of an open mind. We
should distinguish the serious and fundamental issues which separate us from
the relatively minor ones.
‘If only the left could get together...’ is a cry we often hear,
encouraged the taunts and jibes of those who joke about the multitude of
revolutionary organisations. Unity for unity’s sake seems as uninspiring a
slogan as it is sterile. The unity of conscious and informed purpose in the
struggle for socialism is the only unity worth having and that can only be
promoted by important and basic debate.
The Socialist Party’s conviction is that the welfare state
is not a halfway house to socialism nor on the road to-wards socialism. The
welfare state is the modern version of the Victorian ideal of self-help and
self-improvement schemes. The Socialist Party’s aim is the abolition of
capitalism and reorganizing the planet on a socialist basis. We fully
acknowledge that, in this endeavor, we are up against a most powerful and ruthless
master class intent upon divide and rule.
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