Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Fossil Fuels - Business as Usual

Amid outcry from activists and a promise to sue from the attorney general of New York, and where one prominent environmentalist called the plan “a disaster for public health and the climate”, the Trump administration has put forward a greenhouse gas emissions plan that could boost output from coal-fired power plants rather than push them towards closure and result in as many as 1,400 premature deaths each year. It will also result in the release of more soot and smog-forming chemicals that will also cause an extra 40,000 cases of worsening asthma and 60,000 lost school days by 2030.
The new plan would put the “health of all Americans at risk, and especially those who are most vulnerable, including children, older adults and people with asthma and heart disease”, said Harold Wimmer, president of the American Lung Association.

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