Wednesday, July 03, 2013

US, Capitalist Icon, Heads To Third World Status

Land of the free, defender of democracy, protector of free speech and land of opportunity?

Many would disagree with such statements which fly in the face of reality. More evidence below shows the desperate need for a wider awakening to the real meaning of socialism which does incorporate such standards in its principles.

The data reproduced below shows in Column 4 that the U.S. is near the top of the developed world in average wealth, in good part because of its many millionaires (see column 8). Median wealth per adult, in Column 5, is much lower. As a sign of the distance between America's middle income class and its national wealth, Column 6 shows that the ratio of median to mean in the U.S. is lower than in any country except Russia.

The impact of all this is shown in Column 7. Median-level adults in the U.S. get a smaller percentage of their nation's wealth than in any other country except China and India.
To view Column 7 in another way, a middle income adult in Finland owns $122 for every billion dollars of his or her nation's wealth. In Canada it's $13. In the U.S. it's 60 cents. Only China (40 cents) and India (30 cents) give their middle income adults less.

Americans are sliding out of the developed world and toward third-world status. Column 9 makes it clear. Among all the nations of the world with at least a quarter of a million adults, only Russia, Ukraine, and Lebanon are more unequal in their wealth distribution.
Data from
Buchheitgraph20130701 Ineq OECD

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