Saturday, July 06, 2013

Quote of the Day

“Egyptians would be lucky if their new ruling generals turn out to be in the mold of Chile's Augusto Pinochet...” Wall St Journal

The dictator Pinochet held power for 17 years. He killed, imprisoned and tortured tens of thousands of political opponents.


Anonymous said...

Understanding that the new appointed interim President is nothing less than a hat wave at democracy,as America does not give military aid to state militia governments.

ajohnstone said...

They rather give military aid to jihadist militias, instead ;-p

Anonymous said...

Here's another, perhaps more insightful but equally depressing...

"Egypt's generals no more wanted Morsi's ouster than they wanted Mubarak's almost three years ago. What they want is to continue to enjoy their perquisites—including more than $1 billion a year of military aid and some of the choicest cuts of the Egyptian economy....The vast majority of Egypt’s 81 million people have never protested in Tahrir and don't care about the Brotherhood; they simply want a return to safety, order, and regular electricity. In six months, when the young people take to the streets again to protest some inevitable violation by the generals, and the military sends out the tanks and truncheons, Egyptians will probably shrug, and maybe even cheer":