In January, 1855, Karl and Jenny Marx, their daughters,
Jenny and Laura, and their son, Edgar, were living in two rooms at 28 Dean St.
Soho Square, London. In 1851, a third daughter had been born, but only lived
for one year. But in January, 1855, a fourth daughter, who they named Eleanor,
was born. In March, however, much to Karl and Jenny Marx's distress, the nine
year old Edgar died. Nevertheless, the arrival of Eleanor was a great joy to
them. "Tussy", as she was later called, was soon the "idolised
darling of the whole house". And of her, Jenny Marx wrote in a letter to
Joseph Weydemeyer in America, on the 11th of March, 1861:
"The child was
born when our poor little Edgar died, and all the love and tenderness we bore
him was transferred to his little sister, and the older girls looked after her
and nursed her with almost motherly care. But then it would really be difficult
to find a more lovable child, as pretty as a picture and sweet tempered...the
child has learned German, and speaks it with remarkable accuracy and
grammatical precision, and , naturally, she has learned English as a matter of
course. The child is Karl's favourite, and her laughter and her merry chatter
dispel any of his worries".
Karl Marx was a great lover of children. He was no
authoritarian. The girls treated him more as a playmate than a father; and they
called him "the Moor", a nickname given to him on account of his
jet-black hair and dark complexion. "Children
must educate their parents", he would say. And during this period he
remained completely aloof from all political activities, and concentrated on
his studies and journalism.
Marx would take his three daughters, Jenny, Laura, and young
Eleanor, for outings into the country on Sundays; their favourite destination
being Hampstead Heath, with a magnificent view of London, and the hills and
valleys surrounding the city, from Jack Straw's Castle.
At home, Marx would read to Eleanor the stories of Bluebeard
or Rumpelstilzchen by the brothers Grimm. And he would recount his version of
the life of Jesus, in which he depicted Jesus as a poor carpenter's son who had
been unjustly executed by the rich and powerful. In 1856, the Marx family moved
to Grafton Terrace, Haverstock Hill, near Hampstead Heath.
When Eleanor was sixteen, a French radical, Prosper Olivier
Lissagaray, who later wrote a history of the Paris Commune of 1871, in whose
ranks he fought, fell in love with her , courted her, and proposed marriage.
Eleanor seems to have been favourably inclined towards Lissagaray; but Karl was
doubtful about his reliability, despite Eleanor's mother, Jenny, approved the
match, and in the end, after much hesitation, nothing came of it. Eleanor was
obliged to remain at home. As she got older, she became her father's secretary,
and conducted much of Marx's correspondence with the International Workingmen's
Association. Eleanor Marx loved to recite poetry and to act, and her father
encouraged her to take dramatic lessons. In 1875, the family moved again, to
Maitland Park Road, in the same area.
In autumn of 1878, Marx's wife Jenny, became dangerously
ill. She was suffering from incurable cancer. In June 1881, Karl went down with
a violent attack of pleurisy, complicated with bronchitis and pneumonia.
Eleanor nursed them both. She wrote:
" Mother lay in
the big front room and the Moor lay in the little room next to it. The two who
had grown used to each other, whose lives had completely intertwined, could no
longer be in the same room together. The Moor got over his illness once again.
I shall never forget the morning when he felt himself strong enough to get up
and go into my mother's room. It was as though they were young again together -
she a loving girl, and he an ardent youth starting out together through life,
and not an old man shattered by ill-health and a dying old lady taking leave of
each other for ever"
And on the 2nd of December, 1881, Karl Marx's wife, Jenny
died. There was no ceremony at her funeral, although Frederick Engels spoke at
the graveside.
In June, 1881, a small book, England for All, was published.
It was written by Henry Myer Hyndman, who claimed it to represent the programme
of an organisation called the Democratic Federation, which he had just formed.
This annoyed Marx, as much of the book consisted of English translations of
extracts from Marx's Capital, together with a few summaries of Marx's ideas;
but Hyndman mentioned neither Capital or Marx, and merely commented at the
conclusion of the Preface that he was indebted "to the work of a great
thinker" for much of the material. Marx broke off all relations with
Following his wife's death, Karl Marx's health again
deteriorated; his daughter, Jenny also died on the 11th of January, 1883, and
in the afternoon of the 14th of March, whilst sitting in his easy chair, Karl
Marx fell asleep for the last time. As with his wife, there as no ceremony at
the funeral, but again Engels spoke at the graveside. Laura had married Paul
Lafargue in 1867.
Eleanor Marx was now alone. She, therefore, soon became more
socially and politically active. Shortly after the death of her father, Eleanor
met Beatrice Potter (later to become Mrs Sidney Webb) who was involved in
charity work and freethinking. In 1883, W.G. Foot, the editor of the The
Freethinker, was jailed for blasphemy. Eleanor was, in the words of Potter, "very
wrath". It was useless arguing with her, she noted in her diary:
"She refused to
recognise the beauty of the Christian religion. She thought that Christ if he
had ever existed, was a weak-headed individual, with a good deal of sweetness
of character, but lacking in heroism...The aim of socialists was to make people
disregard the mythical next world and live for this world, and insist on having
what will make it pleasant for them."
Potter added that Eleanor Marx "lives alone, and is
much connected with the Bradlaugh set". Charles Bradlaugh, although not a
socialist, was a well-known radical, republican and freethinker. But within a
year of Karl Marx's death, Eleanor had entered into a "free
association", or liaison, with one of this "set", Dr. Edward
Aveling, a physician and, at the time, a teacher of science, who with Bradlaugh
and Annie Beasant, was a leading secularist. Eleanor had by then a secretarial
job in "a better class boarding-school"; but when she openly
announced the situation, they said that they regretted to have to sack her. "I need work much", she
informed Havelock Ellis, " but find
it difficult to get. 'Respectable' people won't employ me"
A number of Eleanor's friends tried to discourage her
interest in Edward Aveling, but without success. But following their
association, Aveling became active in the emerging socialist and
social-democratic movement, and, in fits and starts, became a lecturer and
writer, and later on a translator of some of Karl Marx's writings. But
according to Edmund Wilson there was something odd about Aveling:
"...he was
extremely undependable about money::he not only skipped out of hotels without
paying the bills, but he borrowed money from his friends right and left, and
even when he knew they had little, without ever paying it back; and he did not
hesitate to use for his own purposes the funds which had been given to the
cause"(To the Finland Station)
At one time, Aveling tried being an actor;he wrote several
one-act plays, in which he and Eleanor acted. He also had luxurious tastes
Eleanor Marx joined the Democratic Federation in 1883, as
did William Morris who hoped that it would become a socialist organisation. And
in August, 1884, at its conference, the Democratic Federation became the
Social-Democratic Federation. Its "ultimate" objective was:
establishment of a free condition of society based on the principle of
political equality with equal social rights for all and the complete
emancipation of labour"
To this ultimate objective, the Social-Democratic Federation
added a number of immediate demands which it called "palliatives";
these included the abolition of a standing army, free compulsory, secular
education, and the means of production, distribution and exchange to be treated
as collective or common property. But neither the SDF's immediate or ultimate
objective included the abolition of the wages system as proposed by Karl Marx
as early as 1865.
Edward Aveling had also applied for membership of the
[Social-]Democratic Federation; and, although the Executive Council, and
Hyndman, did not want him in the organisation, they deferred to pressure by
Eleanor and a number of her French and German friends, who wrote letters to the
Council on Aveling's behalf, and he was admitted. They, together with William
Morris, Robert Banner, E Belfort Bax, and a number of other members of the Council,
soon came into conflict with the autocratic leader, Hyndman, whom Frederick
Engels called an "extreme chauvinist"
The break with Hyndman, and the Social-Democratic
Federation, came at a stormy meeting on the 27th of December, 1884, at which
Morris read out a statement which, in part, read:
"...We believe
that to hold out as baits hopes of amelioration of the condition of the
workers, to be rung out of the necessities of the rival factions of our
privileged rulers, is delusive and mischievous. For carrying out our aim of
education and organisation no over-shadowing and indispensable leader is
required, but only a band of instructed men, each of whom can learn to fulfil,
as occasion requires it, the simple functions of the leader of a party of
principle. We say that on the other hand there has been in the ranks of the
Social-Democratic Federation a tendency to political opportunism, which if
developed would have involved us in alliances, however temporary, with one or
other of the political factions, and would have weakened our propagandist force
by driving us into electioneering, and possibly would have deprived us of the
due services of some of our most energetic men, by sending them to our sham
parliament, there to become either nonentities, or perhaps our masters, and it
may be our betrayers. We say also that among those who favoured these views of
political adventure, there was a tendency towards National assertion, the
persistent foe of socialism; and it is easy to see how dangerous this might
become in times like the present. Furthermore, these views have led, as they were
sure to lead, to attempts at arbitrary rule inside the Federation; for such a
policy as above demands a skillful and shifty leader, to whom all persons and
opinions must be subordinated, and who must be supported (if necessary) at the
expense of fairness and fraternal openness...
....our view of duty
to the cause of socialism forbids us to cease spreading its principles or to
work as mere individuals. We have, therefore, set on foot an independent
organisation, the Socialist League, with no intention of acting in hostility to
the Social-Democratic Federation, but determined to spread the principles of
socialism by the only means we deem effectual."
The first two signatories to the statement were those of Edward
Aveling and Eleanor Marx.
The Socialist League was formally founded on the 30th of
December, 1884. Following the "To Socialists" statement, partly
quoted above, "The Manifesto of the Socialist League", which as largely
written by William Morris, was published in The Commonweal, which as edited by
Morris with Aveling as sub-editor. The Manifesto set out in some detail the
ideas of not just Morris, or Eleanor Marx, but the emerging, still
contradictory, socialist movement of the 1880s in Britain. Its main arguments
and conclusions are worth quoting. It begins :
"We come before
you as a body advocating Revolutionary International Socialism; that is, we
seek a change in the basis of Society - a change which would destroy the
distinctions of classes and nationalities.
As the civilised world
is at present constituted there are two classes in society: the one possessing
wealth and the instruments of production, the other producing wealth by means
of those instruments, but only by the leave and the use of the possessing
The two classes are
necessarily in antagonism to one another. The possessing class, or
non-producers, can only live as a class on the unpaid labour of the producers -
the more unpaid labour they can wring out of them, the richer they will be;
therefore the producing class - the workers - are driven to strive to better
themselves at the expense of the possessing class and the conflict between them
is ceaseless."
And the Manifesto of the Socialist League continues:
"All the means of
the production of wealth must be declared treated as the common property of
all...Nationalisation of land alone, which many earnest and sincere persons are
now preaching, would be useless so long as labour was subject to the fleecing
of surplus value under the capitalist system.
No better solution
would be State Socialism, by whatever name it may be called, whose aim it would
be to make concessions to the working class while leaving the present system of
capital and wages in operation: no number of merely administrative changes,
until the workers are in possession of all political power, would make any real
approach to Socialism
The Socialist League
therefore aims at the realisation of complete Revolutionary Socialism, and well
knows that this can never happen in any one country without the help of the
workers of all civilisation...
...To the realisation
of this change the Socialist League addresses itself with all earnestness. As a
means thereto will do all in its power towards the education of the people in
the principles of this great cause, and will strive to organise those who will
accept this education...."
At the same time as the Manifesto of the Socialist League
was written, a draft constitution was prepared, with encouragement by Engels,
by Eleanor Marx and Edward Aveling. It committed the Socialist League to
"striving to conquer political power by promoting the election of
Socialists to Local Governments, School Boards and other administrative
bodies". Their draft, however, was rejected by a majority of the
membership at the League's first annual conference in July, 1885
Despite the Socialist League's official policy of the
working class conquering "political power", and opposition to
"palliatives", or what socialists now refer to as
"reformism", the organisation soon demonstrated that, among its
active members, were anarchists whose main concern was the destruction of the
state, and reformers whose policies included the passing of the Eight Hour
Bill. Furthermore, the Socialist League was not entirely opposed to the idea of
nationalisation; and socialists such as William Morris and Eleanor Marx, and
the socialist movement generally, had not, as yet, completely rejected the
notion of leadership as a principle, although they were opposed to the
"arbitrary" leadership of people like Hyndman; this was partly
understandable at the time, and was due to the fact that many workers,
including active Trade Unionists, were still illiterate or , at least, only
semi-literate. Another weakness of such people as Eleanor Marx, William Morris
and Edward Aveling, was that although they had left the Social-Democratic
Federation, and formed the Socialist League, they had "no intention of
acting in hostility to the Social-Democratic Federation". It was twenty
years before socialists realised that a party organised solely for the establishment
of socialism would have to oppose other parties, including the SDF.
The Socialist League appeared to get off to a good start;
indeed, just before its founding, Engels wrote to Karl Kautsky that Ernest
Belfort Bax and Edward Aveling had "the best intentions and learn a lot
too; but everything is confused and by themselves these literary people can do
nothing; they are both thoroughly sound, intelligent and sincere although needing
great assistance". However, by 1886, Engels noted that Bax was strongly
influenced by the anarchists. Indeed, Engels wrote in April, 1886, that "...the anarchists are making rapid
progress in the Socialist League". The main arguments were between
those who considered that the working class, through a socialist organisation
or party, could, or should, use parliament as a means to emancipation, which
included Eleanor Marx, and those such as the anarchists, who did not. Morris
attempted to reconcile both camps, writing in 1887:
"I am trying to
get the League to make peace with each other, and hold together for another
year. It is a tough job."
Edward Aveling had already resigned as sub-editor of
Commonweal early in 1886. He had been encouraged in this by Eleanor, who, by
1887, was calling the League "a swindle". And Bax, whom Engels had
accused of being influenced by the anarchists, and who had succeeded Aveling as
sub-editor of Commonweal also resigned, and supported the policy of the League contesting
elections. William Morris was concerned with "making socialists", and
considered that the only time that socialists should enter parliament was when
a majority had become socialists and parliament should be abolished or
"broken up". Morris was also opposed to the Socialist League
advocating palliatives [he changed his mind some time later]
By the time of the 1888 conference, the various factions
within the League had grown even more irreconcilable. However, while the
various factions were tearing the League apart, working-class discontent was
growing. John Quail comments:
"In the Trade
Unions a sharper, more militant note was being struck. At the TUC conference
the young Keir Hardie clashed with the Liberal's lap-dog, Broadhurst. A
determined attempt to get an Eight Hour campaign under way in the Engineering
Union and the TUC was made. John Burns and Tom Mann were active in this
campaign. New organisations in the provinces, the Labour Federation on Tyneside
and the Knights of Labour in the Midlands, proved surprisingly effective and
grew rapidly. New organisational attempts also met with some success among the
seamen. This new militancy was both spread by socialists and proved responsive
to them" (The Slow Burning Fuse)
Not surprisingly, this included Eleanor Marx.
In 1883, in his The Historical Basis of Socialism, H.M.
Hyndman explained his, and to some extent the SDF's, view of Trade Unions. He
"The waste of the
Trade Union funds on strikes or petty benefits to the individuals who compose
them is deplorable. Enormous sums have been lost, directly, or indirectly, in
consequence of strikes which, if applied by Unionists to active propaganda
against the existing system...would long since have produced a serious
However, others, including Eleanor Marx, held a view that
workers should resist the attempts by employers to depress their standards of
living and, here circumstances were favourable, improve them, yet at the same
time they should, through a political organisation or party, strive for the
abolition of the system, capitalism, which exploits them.
Nevertheless, a "new" unionism was beginning to
take over from the "old" unionism; the general from the craft. In
1888, the mainly female workers of the match factory of Bryant and May went on
strike, which was largely successful. The dock strike of 1889 was probably the
most dramatic conflict of th period, as it was a struggle of the most depressed
section of the working-class who, hitherto, were considered unorganisable. The
victory of the dockers was a victory for elementary Trade Union rights which
led to a vast movement among both skilled and unskilled workers. The Dock,
Wharf, Riverside and General Labourers' Union was formed out of the strike.
Even agricultural workers revived their unions.
During the dock strike of I889, writes Tom Mann,
"Offers of
clerical help were numerous during the strike. One of these volunteers who
rendered valuable service was Eleanor Marx Aveling, the daughter of Karl Marx,
a most capable oman. Possessing a complete masterly of economics, she was able
alike in conversation and on a public platform, to hold her own with the best.
Furthermore, she was ever ready, as in this case, to give close attention to
detailed work, when by doing so she could help the movement" (Tom Mann
The Gasworkers and General Labourers Union was the first of
the "new" unions for mainly unskilled workers. Formed in 1889, by
sheer eight of numbers, the union exchanged their twelve-hour shifts for an eight
hour day without a strike. Although, they subsequently lost it again, the old
hours were never resumed. Shortly after the union's founding, Eleanor Marx
became a member and, later, as a member of its first women's branch became a
member of its Executive. Will Thorne, the union's general secretary, had no
education as a child; and he recounted ho Eleanor helped him to improve his
reading and writing, "which was very
bad at the time"
In 1892, a Preamble To The Rules of the GGLU as drafted by
Eleanor Marx and probably Edward Aveling. It reads:
"Trade Unionism
has done excellent work in the past, and in it lies the hope of the workers for
the future; that is the Trade Unionism which clearly recognises that today
there are only two classes, the producing working-class and the possessing
Master class. The interests of these two classes are opposed to each other. The
Masters have known this a long time; the workers are beginning to see it, and
so thEy are forming Trade Unions to protect themselves, and to get as much as
they can of the product of their labour. They are beginning to understand that
their only hope lies in themselves, and that from the masters as a class they
can expect no hope; that divided they fall, united they stand...the interests
of all workers are one, and a wrong done to any kind of labour is a wrong done
to the whole of the Working Class, and that victory or defeat of any portion of
the Army of Labour is a gain or a loss to whole Army, which by its organisation
and Union is marching steadily and irresistibly forward to its ultimate goal -
the Emancipation of the Working Class - that Emancipation can only be brought
about by the strenuous and united efforts of the Working Class itself. Workers
Eleanor Marx was not, however, blind to the limitations of
Trade Unionism; nor to the necessity of workers studying the economics of the
system that exploited them. Far from it.
From the 16th of August, 1856, to the 1st of April, 1857,
Karl Marx wrote a series of articles, under the title of "Revelations of
Diplomatic History of the 18th Century" for the Free Press. These articles
were later edited by Eleanor Marx in a book, "Secret Diplomatic History of
the 18th Century" was published in 1899. Eleanor also published, under the
title of the "Eastern Question", a series of articles Marx wrote in
1855 for the New York Tribune.
More importantly, from the working-class viewpoint however,
was the debate that Karl Marx had with John Weston, a member of the General
Council of the First International, in 1865, in which he read a paper on wages,
profit, prices, value, labour and labour-power, and the production of surplus
value. At the time, Marx did not agree to its publication, as he had not
finished his studies on Capital. The manuscript was then forgotten until after
Engel's death in 1895, when it was discovered by Eleanor Marx, who edited it,
with assistance from Edward Aveling, under the title of Value, Price and
Profit; and it was published early in 1899.
It was in the ultimate paragraph, and well-known to Eleanor,
that Marx had expounded his view on Trade Unions, wherein he wrote:
"Trades Unions
work well as centres of resistance against the encroachments of capital. They
fail from an injudicious use of their power. They fail generally from limiting
themselves to a guerilla war against the effects of the existing system, instead
of simultaneously trying to change it, instead of using their organised forces
a lever for the final emancipation of the working class, that is to say, the
ultimate abolition of the wages system"
It was during the mid-1890s that Eleanor Marx, again with some
assistance from Aveling, conducted economics classes. These, or at least some
of them, were held at 337 Strand, London, which at the time was the head office
of the SDF. (see, for example, Eleanor's letter to Mary Gray, a prominent
member of the SDF, dated, 25.9.96, regarding "classes" ) Indeed, it
was at such classes that Jack Fitzgerald and two or three other younger members
of the SDF, who later founded the Socialist Party, first learned their Marxian
economics in general and the theory of value in particular
Frederick Engels was devoted to "Tussy", as he
called Eleanor, and often continued to entertain both Eleanor and Edward
Aveling when other guests told him that if Aveling came they would not. Edward
Bernstein seems to have found Aveling "very clever", and that he and
Eleanor were of "great service to the socialist movement"; but Olive
Schreiner wrote to Havelock Ellis, saying "I
am beginning to have a horror of Dr. Aveling. To say I dislike him doesn't
express it at all. I have a fear and horror of him when i am near. Every time I
see him this shrinking grows stronger...I love her, but he makes me so
He also made Eleanor unhappy; but she did not desert him. In
1893, the "dsretable" Edward Aveling joined the newly-formed
Independent Labour Party. Engels was, by then, living in London. He would have
nothing to do with Hyndman, who he accused of taking money from the Tories.
However, Engels enjoyed his remaining years in London; and he entertained
freely. But by 1894, he was aware that he was suffering from cancer of the
oesophagus, and was unable to speak, but could still write. He died on the 5th
of August, 1895.
Aveling was unfaithful to Eleanor. Every so often he
disappeared. Towards the end of 1897, he disappeared again. On the 24th of
January, 1898, Eleanor Marx wrote to Mary Gray, in which she said:
" I would have
been to see you, but as you know, Edward has been dangerously ill. He is now at
Hastings, but though the lung trouble seems better, it seems certain that he
must soon - in a year or so - undergo a most dangerous operation...the
operation is so dangerous that there is the utmost danger. But without the
operation there seems no hope at all."

Just four years after the death of Eleanor Marx and Edward
Aveling, Jack Fitzgerald, who had been one of Eleanor's students at her
economic classes, together with a number of other London members of the SDF,
rebelled (they also had been, like Eleanor Marx holding economic classes!) and,
by early 1904, had either been expelled or had resigned; and, together with
around 150 others former members of the Social-Democratic Federation, founded
the Socialist Party of Great Britain, which opposed the advocacy of reforms or
palliatives. It adopted an object and declaration of principles, largely drawn
up by Fitzgerald. It was socialism - and nothing else!
Peter E. Newell
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