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Our critics in the green capitalist movement tell us
socialism may be desirable, as a general and ultimate aim, but climate change
has to be tackled immediately. Such is the arguments of “realism". Indeed,
we too agree something must be done as soon as possible, perhaps another
scientific fact-finding conference, another policy discussion summit, yet one
more agreement in principle to do something...sometime in the future...and as
long as it isn’t obligatory. For sure
the overthrow of capitalism and the socialist transformation of society will
not be easy but just how realistic to expect the capitalist system can be
reformed in such a way as to provide a future for the next generation and
whatever generations still to come any hope of survival. Any serious proposal
to remedy the effects of climate change and halt and reverse global warming
runs up against two insurmountable problems: private ownership of the means of
production by a handful of capitalists and the division of the world into rival
capitalist nation-states. Many well-intentioned environmental activists argue
that with the right mix of taxes, incentives and regulations, everybody would
be winners. Big Business will have cheaper, more efficient production, and
therefore be more profitable, and consumers will have more environment-friendly
products and energy sources. In a rational society, such innovations would
lower the overall environmental impact in terms of materials and energy used
per unit of output, when substituted for more harmful technology.
Unfortunately, we don’t live in a rational society. Tax rates, charges or fines
are set well below the level that would impact seriously on profits; so more
often than not it is cheaper for big business to go on polluting. Capitalism,
an economic and political system based on the never-ending expansion of
production of commodities for sale, is incompatible with the basic ecological
cycles of the planet.
In socialist society, on the other hand, the means of
production would be held in common by
majority. Humanity would no longer be at the mercy of market forces; a
world-wide plan of production could redirect
resources to those regions worst damaged by climate change, and a
democratically planned economy would allow the needs of the environment to be
taken into account as a serious matter, so that climate change could finally be
stopped. Green environmentalists need to be socialists. Just imagine the vast
amounts of wasteful production of pointless commodities produced solely for
sale that could be eliminated. Without the cynical manipulation of people’s
insecurities and vanities by the billion-dollar advertising and marketing
industries. As we build the new society, wants and needs will inevitable alter,
and so too will consumption habits. Capitalism as a system thrives on the
cultivation and celebration of the worst aspects of human behaviour; selfishness
and self-interest; greed and hoarding; the dog-eat-dog mentality. Built-in
obsolescence would end as products would be built to last, designed to be
repairable and when they eventually are due for replacement they would be
recyclable. Such basic practices would save massive amounts of materials and
energy, all along the production chain. Right now, the technology is available
to theoretically generate all the clean electricity we need.
We do not need any
more research or studies. We need action. If you want to eliminate a problem or
an evil, you must get to the root of it. You cannot get rid of a poisonous
plant and create something healthy in its place just by pulling off the top of
the plant. You have to pull it up from the roots and then grow something completely
different. That is what a radical solution is. Radical means having to do with
the root. And this is why a real revolution is needed and this is what it’s all
about. In a society that is organised first and foremost to work together to
produce enough to comfortably ensure people’s physical and mental well-being
and social security — abundant food, clothing, housing, furniture and
appliances, cultural pursuits, and lifelong education and training, and
health-care — and in which technological advances benefit everybody without
costing the environment, a new social definition of wealth will evolve. It
won’t be measured by personal wealth, or by how much “stuff” you’ve got.
Tragically, a once active (World) Socialist Party of Australia has disappeared although there are a perhaps a sprinkling of adherents to the World Socialist Movement scattered around that may offer some hope of it being re-constituted at some future time, especially now that the internet and social media can offer an efficient way where comrades can co-operate and collaborate in a country with vast distances between cities and towns.
E-mail the SPGB and they could perhaps put you in contact with individuals.
Thanks very much comrade. I was a member of the IWW here but it self destructed.
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