Friday, August 11, 2023

SPGB Summer School Retrospective


The Socialist party’s (World Socialist Movement) Summer School happened over the long weekend of 21st to 23rd July taking place at a new venue, the Woodbrooke Centre in Selly Oak, Birmingham.

Attendees were there from all across the UK and, through the miracle of technology that is the internet, overseas visitants were also able to access the various talks.

The theme of the 2023 event was ‘Work’.

Talks given by members of the SPGB were: ‘The need for work – and how to avoid it’; ‘The Mysteries of the Pyramids’; ‘AI and the future of work’ and ‘Work, paid and unpaid’.

As is usual at Summer School each of these was followed by a lively question and answers ‘seminar’.

The breadth of erudition and knowledge displayed both by the speakers and contributors from the floor was of the highest standard.

The Summer School is always not only an educational experience, one from a wholly socialist perspective, but is also an opportunity for socialists, and non-socialists alike, to enjoy the social aspects of the occasion. Topics in the free hours within the Grade Two listed venue, where Mahatma Ghandi stayed in 1931, and in the local hostelry, were wide and far reaching.

‘Bonuses’ included two exclusive publications, an exhibition around work drawn from previous pieces in the Socialist Standard and an extremely well stocked bookstall offering a wide eclectic mix of various items.

The spacious lecture hall contained a grand piano and this was put to stunning use by one of the participants. The weekend experience was enhanced by live music played by a professional.

Tempus fugit, when you’re enjoying yourself as they say and the long weekend passed far too quickly. Some days are just better than others. Some experiences, when remembered, bring a smile to the face and a search of the calendar to see how long before the next occurs to bring positivity into one’s life.

The putting together of such an event entails a lot of hard graft and the appreciation of that fact was volubly demonstrated.

For the record, the SPGB is more than capable of organising a party in a brewery.

When socialism comes to us all across the globe it will be the mother of all parties. With each passing day as capitalism inflicts even more horrors upon the world that day needs to be much sooner than later.

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