Thursday, August 10, 2023

A load of hooey

Kate Hoey: I was once part of Marxist group that apparently called for 'victory to the IRA'

To be sure, Baroness Hoey was once a member of the International Marxist Group (IMG),  a Trotskyist organisation in Britain, which existed  between 1968 and 1982. 

Marxists, such as the late Richard Montague, who grew up in the Republican Movement, but following a spell in jail at the age of 16, soon became disillusioned with nationalism.:

'...WORKERS HAVE NO COUNTRY! When we have learnt to understand that we have made a giant stride forward from the obscenity of capitalism. The countries we live in, together with the machinery of production and distribution by which we live, are the property of the ruling class; theirs is the Ulster, the Ireland and the Britain that our loyalists and republicans want us to support and, if necessary, to be prepared to suffer or die for. Understanding that class ownership is the motive power behind all forms of patriotism and nationalism validates the time-honoured clarion; WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE FOR SOCIALISM! (Your Life - Their Country,  Socialist View, May 1986)

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