"People on the left might welcome world socialism, but when it comes to people coming from other countries and taking their jobs they are not so keen," said Dr Eamonn Butler of the Adam Smith Institute. He does not believe xenophobia is the prerogative of the right.
Lets make it perfectly clear . We are one organisation that stands for world socialism that unequivocally declares that workers have no borders . The idea of “we” as in the people who live on this island called Britain, are collectively joined and looked after by our rulers is false. To say “this is our country” implies that we all own it collectively, where we most definitely do not. The working class waste their energy fighting amongst themselves, believing their interests and the interests of their nation's rulers are linked.
Those who are in possession of little are easily frightened by the threat of some other coming to take it away . That workers are afraid is an effect of the systemic threat of poverty through unemployment capitalism needs in order to function.
All those people seeking migration, whether legal or illegal, are simply obeying the imperative that they must try to find a place to work; and no amount of government restrictions will change that fact. Immigrant workers have always been used to correct a disequilibrium in the labour market. Labour shortage causes wages to rise and thus puts workers in a comparatively stronger bargaining position . Naturally, our masters will always seek to counteract such a situation by importing (often cheaper, more compliant) workers, which in turn intensifies competition among workers, potentially fermenting xenophobia and racism. Needless to say, when demand for labour slackens off as it is in the present recession , the capitalists play the infamous 'immigration card' in order to keep the working class divided. Many workers may be misled by certain trade union leaders about needing to take action to defend British jobs, and of Labour politicians bleating about defending Britain from being swamped by foreign scroungers; but those workers will be no better off for siding with British capital against their fellow workers . The truth is that it is not fellow workers from abroad who cause unemployment, but capitalism and its unyielding drive for profits.When it suits , the capitalists will , without the slightest hesitation , pull out their money and send it elsewhere to make better profits , without the slightest regard for the "oh , so loyal " local workers .
No ruling class is ever completely unanimous; no two capitalists have interests which are exactly the same. Some property owners want to establish the principle that when a particular industry or trade is short of workers, its owners have the right to bring in workers from any other country, and thus help to counteract the danger of having to raise wages and salaries.
Other members of the capitalist class feel it would be a mistake to let in too many workers from other countries, who have not been conditioned for years by British patriotic propaganda, and which therefore might not be one hundred percent devoted to the British ruling class. The arrival of people from other countries, who have not been brainwashed from birth with notions that the British are clearly superior to all other peoples may make it harder for chauvinists to whip up anti-foreign feeling .
Other members of the capitalist class feel it would be a mistake to let in too many workers from other countries, who have not been conditioned for years by British patriotic propaganda, and which therefore might not be one hundred percent devoted to the British ruling class. The arrival of people from other countries, who have not been brainwashed from birth with notions that the British are clearly superior to all other peoples may make it harder for chauvinists to whip up anti-foreign feeling .
So from this point of view, immigration might count as a plus for the British working class and perhaps for the establishment of socialism by jettisoning the false consciousness of nationalism .
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