Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Our enemy is capitalism


We hate to say it, but we told you so. No sooner do nations and with the ink scarcely dry on treaties, the back-tracking starts and the commitments to peace begin to fade away. The Socialist Party is for world socialism, which would eliminate the obsolete national boundaries into which the earth is divided. 

Internationalism is a vital part of the World Socialist Movement. It is a powerful antidote for some of capitalism's most virulent poisons such as racism, divisive patriotism and xenophobia, chauvinisms of all kinds. Recognition of the interest all exploited peoples have in ending the system of class rule provides a powerful bulwark against the bellicose, war-mongering propaganda. 


Given the current weakness of the socialist movement, the global solidarity of the world’s working class remains an aspiration. Nationalism is used by the capitalist class deliberately to blind the workers to their own material interests and to keep the working people of the world divided against each other in the name of "national interest" and to owe allegiance to the nation and not one's fellow worker.

When anti-war campaigners criticise militarism yet uphold the capitalist system, they are attacking an effect while defending the cause. The only road to permanent peace lies in the abolition of capitalism and its replacement by socialism under which goods will be produced for use and the means of wealth production will be socially owned. The workers of the world, including those in the anti-war movements, must listen to and heed the Socialist Party. We believe that the conclusion is inescapable that the only way to end the threats of war is a fundamental change to an entirely new social system. 

For the Socialist Party, internationalism is the very heart of our socialism. The Socialist Party rejects the idea that one nation or one people is superior to any other nation or any other people. To us all human beings are equal. The prejudices that exist are a product of the social system and not inherent in human nature. The unity of mankind will be made possible and real under a socialist society which will do away with economic conflicts. Our party belongs to the World Socialist Movement.


The senseless suffering and death of human beings are not abstractions to ourselves. We feel and share the pain of our fellow workers and we respond by trying to create a world where destruction and war will not be the fate of humanity. We proclaim that humanity must go forward to socialism or else back to barbarism. We try to stir up the people. We try to bring them a message of hope that a new world is possible and can easily be created if only they take their future into their own hands, a new world where war will be unknown. 


There is no road other than socialism that will bring for mankind a peaceful prosperous planet. If the capitalist system is permitted to endure, the inevitable result will be continuous agony, sobbing and wailing amid spilt blood and guts.

The Socialist Party holds hope that the people will come to accept the ideas of socialism.

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