Monday, August 16, 2021

Post-Pandemic - Pay much the same

 Fewer than a quarter of UK companies struggling to hire staff after the easing of pandemic restrictions intend to increase the wages they offer to lure new recruits, according to a report by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

When employers with hard-to-fill vacancies, which are most common in sectors such as hospitality and healthcare, were asked how they would deal with the gaps, however, as few as 23% said they would raise wages. 

The CIPD’s survey indicated that employers’ pay intentions were little different from pre-pandemic plans.  It showed the median employers’ expectation of basic pay settlements remained at the 2%reached last quarter, after four consecutive quarters at 1%.

 81% of employers planned a pay review between now and June 2022. Among them, 33% expected a pay increase, 12% a freeze and 1% a decrease. Thirty-seven per cent said it was “hard to tell” and 17% that they did not know.

Few UK firms facing staff shortages plan to raise pay, survey finds | Work & careers | The Guardian

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