Friday, February 28, 2020

No Electoral Fraud - Bolivia

A study released by a pair of MIT researchers reveals that, contrary to claims from the US-backed Organization of American States, there was no fraud in Bolivia's October 20, 2019 elections—an accusation used by the OAS and others as a pretext for supporting the coup in the country that deposed President Evo Morales and replaced him with an unelected right-wing government. 

According to Curiel and Williams, "There is not any statistical evidence of fraud that we can find...The media has largely reported the allegations of fraud as fact."

The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) co-director, Mark Weisbrot, said in a statement that the OAS has a lot of explaining to do after facilitating the coup through faulty information. 

"The OAS greatly misled the media and the public about what happened in Bolivia's elections, and helped to foster a great deal of mistrust in the electoral process and the results." 

 MSNBC journalist Chris Hayes tweeted "Given the fact the entire Morales government was toppled over accusations of election fraud, the OAS has a lot to answer for."

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