Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Wanton Waste

Mismanaged waste is causing hundreds of thousands of people to die each year in the developing world from easily preventable causes. Between 400,000 and 1 million people are dying as a result of such mismanaged waste, according to the charity Tearfund.

Municipal waste frequently goes uncollected in poorer countries and its buildup fuels the spread of disease. At least 2 billion people around the world do not have their rubbish collected, and piles of it can build up in waterways, causing pollution, or rot in areas near where people live. Living near rubbish doubles the risk of contracting diarrhoea, the report found, which is a major cause of death in the developing world. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world make a living from collecting waste, in some cases by collecting cans or bottles that can be recycled or returned, or, more dangerously, as “waste pickers” who live on rubbish dumps and scavenge what they can. This is hazardous work, not only because of the pollution to which people are exposed but also because of the risk of physical injury, not least because poorly managed dumps are often affected by landslides and even explosions from the buildup of gases.
Plastic waste is blocking waterways and causing flooding, which in turn spreads waterborne diseases. When people burn the waste to get rid of it, it releases harmful toxins and causes air pollution.

Every second, a double-decker busload of plastic waste is burned or dumped in developing countries, the report found. When some plastics deteriorate, they can leach harmful chemicals into the environment and break down into microplastics, with effects that are still poorly understood and largely undocumented in poorer countries. Among the other harmful impacts of plastic pollution in poorer countries are the loss of fishing, as marine animals ingest the plastic; damage to agriculture, as up to a third of cattle and half of goats in developing countries have consumed significant amounts of plastic, harming their health as it leads to potentially fatal bloating.

About 8m tonnes of plastic waste are dumped into the seas each year, according to the UN, and there are few ways of retrieving it.  Large amounts of plastic waste washing up on shorelines and coral reefs deterring tourists, on whom many poorer countries rely.


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