Monday, December 18, 2023

Off with their heads?

 The capitalist class, as a result of their control of the means of mental production, focus the attention of the working class on things that are often of little concern or consequence e.g. reality television, royalty or republicanism.  In an article titled It’s Long Past Time to Abolish the British Monarchy we read:

' ...even if you can justify the level of inherited inequality built into capitalist property relations, surely several centuries after Enlightenment philosophers started proclaiming that everyone is born with the same moral rights, we can agree that making someone the head of state because of their genetics is a bridge too far.'

A world without royal parasites would not necessarily be a just world.  Napoleon III ceased to rule France in 1870 and the USA did away with the monarchy a century earlier (although Trump continues to do a good impersonation of George III), but neither can be considered just.  That will have to wait until we focus on securing a world without war and want, one without states and their leaders royal or otherwise.

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