Tuesday, December 26, 2023

A socialist in the making?

Which mainstrean journalist quotes Wilde on charity approvingly?

Oscar Wilde once said of charity that it “is not a solution [to poverty]: it is an aggravation of the difficulty. The proper aim is to reconstruct society on such a basis that poverty will be impossible.” This rings out in my head like the tolling of some monotonous perpetual bell whenever I see glossy, curated footage of celebrities engaging in charitable pursuits, seemingly unable to anticipate anything other than fawning gratitude from their audience.

Doubles down on the futility of reformism?

We are putting the world's most expensive plaster on a wound which will continue to rip itself open without the appropriate stitching.

And concludes:

When the cameras stop flashing and the interviews are concluded, the people featured in the press will still be experiencing homelessness, as will thousands of other people whose faces we might never see.    Poverty and structural inequality prevail, while the grotesquely wealthy head home, PR opportunity secured and conscience appeased till the next time?

Note to Head Office: please send Lennie Pennie, a columist for The Herald (Scotland) 3 free Standards!

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