Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Limits of Governments

 We may not agree 100% with George Monbiot on everything but he often says things that we can agree upon. 

... On behalf of commercial interests, governments are all too happy to be constrained...

...It represents an outrageous curtailment of political choice, with which governments like ours are entirely comfortable. I’m not sure how we can escape such agreements, but government lawyers should be all over this issue, looking for a way out. Otherwise, future corporate profits remain officially more important than life on Earth...

...The global emergency requires a new politics, but it is nowhere in sight. Governments still fear lobby groups more than they fear the collapse of our living systems. For tiny and temporary political gains, they commit us to vast and irreversible consequences…

...No government, even the most progressive, is yet prepared to contemplate the transformation we need: a global programme that places the survival of humanity and the rest of life on Earth above all other issues. We need not just new policy, but a new ethics. We need to close the gap between knowing and doing. But this conversation has scarcely begun.

Why is life on Earth still taking second place to fossil fuel companies? | George Monbiot | The Guardian

If only George and others could be more visionary when it comes to understanding the limits of capitalism and the urgent and vital need for world socialism.

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