Monday, August 16, 2021

Canada's General Election

 Canada faces a federal election with 20th September as the day our Canadian fellow workers cast their vote.

Sadly, the Socialist Party of Canada (SPC) will not be able to contest any seats but hopefully, its members will still make their presence known and be able to express the socialist cause in the heightened political atmosphere. 

The SPC is unique among political parties for not advancing a platform of reforms to entice votes. If the electorate is satisfied with capitalism and its insecurity and misery then it doesn't want your support.  But if you wish to see an end to this exploitative social system, your support must come to us.

Our political goal is simply to place the productive apparatus of the earth into the hands of all society.

We don't mean government ownership where the wealth produced by the workers will still belong to the capitalists. Nothing is basically changed. Capitalists merely exchange shares for interest-bearing government bonds.

We mean social equality, a condition in which people are not divided into owners and producers, but where there are no classes and production is organized to provide for the needs of all at all times.

This is not an idle dream. It is the logical and necessary outcome of society's evolution.

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