Saturday, June 01, 2019

Bernie Sanders - Left Capitalist

I like Sanders, very much, and believe he is a sincere and honourable man.

However, once a sincere person is elected to office in any government anywhere, they become the captive of capitalism, compelled by the system to represent the interests of the ruling class of the nation state, whichever nation state it happens to be.

The Left, the Right, and the Centre are all parties of capitalism, which they think they can run in their respective ways. But capitalism cannot be controlled, only abolished. It cannot be run in the interests of the exploited, being itself the reason for their exploitation.

Left failure leads to Right resurgence and Right or Centrist failure to Left resurgence, and then the same cycle over and over. Anyone trying to control capitalism will always fail, because it is the economic basis of society which needs to be overhauled. What is needed is the abolition of wage-labour and capital.

You will respond, “surely, a little is better than nothing?” Except it will always result in nothing, because exploitation can never serve the exploited.

By calling for the “bettering” of the system, reformism has served to postpone world socialist revolution indefinitely, and no number of reformist short-cuts will ever lead to socialism.

The fact that there is no impetus toward socialist revolution currently evident is not to be met by therefore pursuing reformist dead-ends.

There is the World Socialist Movement with a Party in the USA, the WSPUS , in Britain, India and Canada. The membership is minute, it is true, but there is no alternative to world socialism if the Earth is to have a future.

Certainly not Left Capitalism!

John Oswald

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