8bn tonnes of ice are being lost every year and not replaced, with the lower level glaciers shrinking in height by 5 meters annually.
Prof Joerg Schaefer, from Columbia University and part of the research, said: “For the wellbeing of the people there, our results are of course the worst possible. But it is what it is, and now we have to prepare for that scenario. We have to worry a lot, because so many people are affected. To stop the temperature rises, we have to cool the planet,” he said. “We have to not only slow down greenhouse gas emissions, we have to reverse them. That is the challenge for the next 20 years.”
How many of us believe such an accomplishment is possible when report after report already inform us that the very moderate aim of 1.5 or 2.0 C are not going to be achieved at present rates
A report published in February found that at least a third of the ice in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya ranges was already doomed to melt by the end of the century, even if drastic action to cut emissions was taken immediately. Without action, two-thirds would go.Philippus Wester, at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, who led the February study said the new work was very convincing. “Increasingly uncertain and irregular water supplies will impact the 1 billion people living downstream from the Himalaya mountains in south Asia.”
Target: Capitalism
is a many-headed monster. There
is an increasing awareness in the environmental movement that
capitalism is the enemy. Among activists there seems to be a genuine
interest in searching for the deeper roots of the climate change
problem. Many now recognise that climate change will exacerbate
existing tensions within the world system. Governments are preparing
to their military forces to face so called ‘resource wars’ and
blockade the movements of millions of refugees. Global warming will
force millions of people around the world to challenge the status
quo and unfortunately those
fleeing the effects of climate change will not automatically conclude
that we need to radically change society.
The political parties are
locked into the logic of the market – they cannot turn their
rhetoric on the environment into policies that can prevent the
destruction of the planet. If we believe that protesting and
campaigning, appealing to the good will of financiers and
industrialists and the humanitarian instincts of predatory elite
politicians will change the situation for the better, we are creating
illusions. To campaign for the common sense and self-interest of the
capitalist class is to expect them to abandon the lucrative profits.
Reliance on the corporations, on the banks, and the capitalist
politicians brings no results. It is only the purposeful activity of
the people themselves, when they intervene and threaten the system of
capitalist exploitation and oppression, that can sweep away the
polluters. While ecological necessity seeks sustainability,
capitalism seeks growth. Capitalism holds no special virtue in
conserving a resource, only in making profit. The powers that be have
failed to solve the climate question. They are neither willing nor
able to challenge the dominance of the accumulation of capital that
is the driving force of both this economic system and global warming.
Capital cannot tolerate barriers to its expansion, and politicians
see it as their duty to keep the accumulation increasing, continual
growth is in fact the necessary foundation of the capitalist system,
so must the logic of endless material growth be continually imposed
upon society. Any system capable of surviving the climate crisis must
be socialist.
The Socialist Party has a clear political line to
follow. Let the reformers call for new forms of re-structuring and regulation. Our job is to consistently press for the socialisation
of the productive process, replacing private ownership with common
ownership, directly controlled by communities. There now exists an
driven by a growing outrage against the lethargy of the politicians,
for the anger be given a socialist content for purposes of
instruction in the failing ways of capitalism.
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