Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Read all about it

The media is the vehicle of propaganda and is the most corrupt and biased reporting in the world. It pretends to be impartial in a society of classes, of bosses and workers, of rich and poor, of the well-fed, well-housed and well-clothed and the hungry, ill-housed and ill-clad. It pretends to be impartial in attitude toward the great problems produced by capitalism: war, unemployment, starvation, the class struggle. Yet, the media are big business enterprises closely allied to finance and industry. It lives on insinuation and outright lying. It is pro-big business and unmistakably anti-labour. It is capable of big lies, as well as small ones. It never ceases in its venomous outpourings against the interests of the working class. 

The Socialist Standard openly takes the side of the wage-workers against their exploiters. It never pretends that in a strike one must see the bosses’ side of it, for the Socialist Standard is always on the side of the workers. In a profit society, in which one class lives by exploiting another, the Socialist Standard frankly and boldly takes the side of the workers. It is a journal that represents the interests of the working class. But it is more than that: it is a socialist journal because it seeks not an improvement of the conditions of the workers under capitalism, but the abolition of this system of scarcity and insecurity and its replacement by a social order of security and plenty for all.

 The Socialist Standard fights for socialism in order to end the exploitation of man by man for all time; to eliminate wars and unemployment and hunger. Its handicap is the complex world in which we live where there are far too many occurrences of importance to the working class to compress into its pages.

The Socialist Standard
cannot rely on the men of wealth to place their advertisements. It has no secret funds. It gets no assistance from any great power – it depends for its existence on the support and aid given it by its readers - You.

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