Thursday, September 26, 2024

Feeling insecure? Why might that be?

‘So-called insecure work is supposed to be a means to progressing to a better-paid and more reliable job. But recent research from the Work Foundation has shown that that is not the case.

More than two in five of those in precarious work were in the same situation four years later, while fewer had moved on to a more secure job. Last year almost seven million people were doing insecure work, and earning an average of £3200 less than those in secure jobs.

But all employment under capitalism is in reality insecure. What needs to be done away with is not insecure jobs but the whole idea of employment and working for a capitalist.’

‘TUC analysis of Labour Force Survey data shows that 3.6 million people are in insecure work. This amounts to one in nine of the workforce. When estimating the number of people in insecure work the TUC includes: • those on zero-hours contracts • agency, casual and seasonal workers (but not those on fixed – term contracts) • the low-paid self-employed who miss out on key rights and protections that come with being an employee and cannot afford to provide a safety net for when they are unable to work.’

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