Saturday, September 28, 2024

Estonia cries Havoc, let slip.


Major General Vahur Karus is head of the Estonian General Staff. Is he under the impression that he’s Marc Anthony? His recent comments would lead one to think so.

“Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war; That this foul deed shall smell above the earth With carrion men, groaning for burial.” William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene 1.

What he actually said was, ‘Estonia could deliver “the first blow” in case of a perceived threat from Russia, Major General Vahur Karus told Vikerraadio in mid-September. “We cannot just wait around to be hit with a sledgehammer and need to be able to do some things first,” he said, adding that his nation’s “deep strike capability is fully a part of NATO plans today.” According to the general, Tallinn could have to “take care of certain targets” to give other NATO members time to “come and take the next steps.”’

Dog owners are aware that small breeds imagine in their dog heads to be much larger and much fiercer.

The Estonian defence Forces consist of land forces, navy, and air force. The current national military service is compulsory for healthy men between ages of 18 and 28, with conscripts serving 8- or 11-month tours of duty, depending on their education and position provided by the Defence Forces. The peacetime size of the Estonian Defence Forces is about 6,000 persons, with half of those being conscripts. The planned wartime size of the Defence Forces is 60,000 personnel, including 21,000 personnel in high readiness reserve.’ Wiki.

Major General Vahur Karus, has said that new NATO contingency plans for a conflict with Moscow envisioned the Baltic state launching a strike across the border.

”Our long-range strike capabilities are fully taken into account in NATO plans, and NATO tells us that we have to take care of certain targets [in Russia], and that’s when they can come [to Estonia] and take the next steps.”’

‘Karus described the new mission as a “fundamental change” to Estonia’s military doctrine, noting that prior to the Ukraine conflict the US-led bloc expected the Baltic state to hold out for about 10 days before it could get NATO reinforcements. The former Soviet republic joined the organization in 2004 and has been one of the most vocal supporters of Ukraine in the conflict with Russia.’

The comments from Estonia drew a response from the deputy head of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev. The former Russian president and prime minister said, ‘Small NATO members who dream about attacking Russia should know Article 5 is not effective against tactical nuclear weapons.’ “The sillier the state, the greater the arrogance of its individual, insane leaders, People should take into account only one thing: should Russia use, say, tactical nuclear weapons against a state that allows itself such statements, nothing but a stain will remain. Sure, Article 5 of the Washington Treaty may apply, but the state will no longer exist,” Medvedev added, referring to NATO’s famous mutual defence provision.’

‘Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin unveiled changes to Moscow’s nuclear doctrine at a meeting of the nation’s Security Council,. Widely regarded as a message to the US and its allies, as well as Ukraine, the updated doctrine would allow Russia to deploy its nuclear deterrent in case of a conventional attack by a state that is backed by a nuclear power.’

The position of The Socialist Party toward war needs no repetition. In a socialist society there would be no need for a military and no need for leaders. One cannot imagine that the Estonian General made the remarks he did ‘off his own bat.’ It’s a reasonable supposition to suppose that his comments were made with the approval of the Executive Committee that run Estonia on behalf of Estonian capitalists. General Karus, like many others in that society is in thrall to to capitalism.

SOYMB fully admits that it is a military specialist but the absurdity of the observations made stike us as being similar to an amateur boxer who has merely sparred in the gym going head to head with the World Heavyweight boxing champion.

Why does the Estonian working class allow a minority to expound such dangerous ideas that put the whole of that society at risk? There is only one solution to the insanity that is emanating from various ‘leaders’ and their minions with increasing frequency – that solution is socialism.

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