Sunday, August 18, 2024

The S A S, Capitalism's 'Elite Killers.'

The entity masquerading as a newspaper, The Sun, carries a piece, 17 August, about the S A S. Not Scandinavian Airways but the Special Air Service.

The strapline reads: ‘Behind the scenes of top secret SAS headquarters where UK’s most elite killers are deployed at a minute’s notice.’

Wiki has; The unit specialises in a number of roles including counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, direct action and special reconnaissance. Much of the information about the SAS is highly classified, and the unit is not commented on by either the British Government or the Ministry of Defencdue to the secrecy and sensitivity of its operations.

Wiki puts the complement of the SAS at between 400 to 600 personnel.

It has a base in Hereford, better known for cider production and of more value to society that the proud boast in The Sun piece which calls them ‘elite killers.’

For those interested we learn that the type of helicopters the SAS uses; their weapon differing from that of the police; the Diemaco A1 is a variant of the C7 assault rifle, and that "So there is a big table full of uniforms - they can dress up as coppers or other emergency workers. They tend to normally dress as police."

The Sun also published a piece about the SAS on 29 March, strapline, ‘Inside Britain’s top-secret Special Forces unit whose killer spies mingle with public to carry out James Bond-style hits.’

Like the majority of the military those employed within the SAS are members of the working class.

Why therefore do they engage in killing and whatever else their capitalist bosses order them to do are they prepared to act so readily to protect the interests of capitalism, which, are the opposite of the majority working class?

Who would want the soubriquet ‘elite killer’ attached to themselves?

What reason is there for The Sun to continue to publish such material?

Answers on a postcard or in the comments.

Let it not be forgotten that there are many countries across the world which also take ‘pride’ in its own ‘elite killers.’ A sane society, i.e. a socialist one, would have no need of such barbarism.

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