Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Full Force of the State

Thank Starmer we have a Tory government, oops, Labour Party, to protect us from the “Far Right thugs” who share the same nationalistic aim as him of keeping more “illegal immigrants” out of this scepter’d isle but choose a different method.

You may very well think that the attempts at ‘humour’ and irony here are not at all funny, but are puerile and lacking in any kind of wit. We don’t find these events in the least bit risible either — neither the methods of the rioters nor the reaction of the State.

The wheels of justice grind slow, but grind fine (Sun Tzu) ‘tis said. Not when you’ve upset The Powers That Be they don’t. Then they move at the speed of a Japanese Bullet Train.

In August, the Crown Prosecution Service’s X account (formerly Twitter) gave lots of examples of how quickly the State would respond.

Think before you post’ exclaimed one of their tweets. ‘Content that incites violence or hatred isn’t just harmful — it can be illegal.’ ‘You can also be prosecuted for sharing this material’

What is the intended message here? Be good little girls and boys and post pictures of fluffy bunnies only on social media otherwise some size-ten boots will be round to kick your front door in?

Under Section 127 of the UK Communications Act 2003 several individuals have already been imprisoned for posting tweets.

The Right Honourable Peter Kyle, the Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology wants X readers and Elton Musk to know that up with it the state will not put:

The internet cannot be a haven for those looking to sow division in our media has provided a platform for this hate. We have been clear that these companies have a responsibility not to peddle the harm of those who seek to damage and divide our society, and we are working closely to ensure they meet that responsibility.’

Subtext, Elon and your ilk, better start taking more notice of the global states who find ‘free speech’ a nuisance and at odds with our determination to continue government ensures a compliant, subservient populace.

He also added, we will be introducing a Ministry of Truth to ensure that the only lies and misinformation which appears on social media with be state-sanctioned. Okay, he didn’t actually say the last bit. It’s called satire, Your Honour.

The Home Office X account posted the porridge which the state can inflict for various offences: Prison for rioting, up to ten years; violent disorder, up to five years; inciting racial hatred, up to seven years and criminal damage, up to ten years.

Obviously, the ‘protests’ were not aimed directly at subverting or overthrowing the capitalist system itself, and even if they were (which of course they weren't) they would be pathetic and miserable. If you are planning a ‘revolution’ this is a pitiful way to go about it.

Capitalism operates for the benefit of the few due to the efforts of the many. A member of the working class is anyone who has no choice, if they want to survive, but to sell their mental or labour power to someone prepared to buy it and exploit it. Whether or not they think they are superior to the ‘masses’ the apparatus of the state is also run by the working class. The civil service, the ‘justice’ system, the police, the military, the media — all the organs of state oppression and power couldn't operate without the involvement and cooperation of the working class.

What is likely to be the aftermath? An even more authoritarian government? Even more legislation than already exists imposing restrictions on social media, free speech, physical protests and the enforcement of even more chains. Already anti-Far-Right protesters too have felt the full force of the law.

The power which capitalism wields globally will only be consigned to the dustbin of history with the implementation of a society based upon production for free use, not profit. This will only be achieved when a majority realise and understand socialism is the only feasible alternative to the existing iniquitous system.

Percy Bysshe Shelley’s 1819 poem has as much resonance today when applied to the global working class, ‘Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you –Ye are many – they are few.’

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