Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Afghanistan's Drought

A deadly drought in Afghanistan is causing a humanitarian crisis that has displaced more people this year than the war between the government and the Taliban.

An estimated 260,000 people who have been forced from their homes in northern and western Afghanistan because of a severe drought in the region.  2.2 million people are estimated to have been affected by the drought. The drought is adding to the misery in the country where levels of violence have been increasing since 2014 when international forces formally ended their combat mission.
The Taliban are now reported to control more territory in Afghanistan than at any time since the US led invasion which drove them from power in 2001.
Qadir Assemy from the United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP) is helping co-ordinate the relief effort in Herat, which has seen an influx of people fleeing their homes.
Assemy believes the cold weather is "a major concern" as it seems unlikely that the displaced people will be able to return to their homes in the coming months.
"The weather will be very harsh. This population will not be able to survive in tents," he says. "We haven't seen such a large scale disaster in the last 18 years."

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