Monday, June 09, 2014

US - The McJob Nation

The US is slowly becoming a McJob nation. While the press jumps up and down that the US is now finally at a breakeven point from the jobs lost since the recession started in 2007, they fail to mention that those not in the labor force is up by nearly 13 million. Even looking into the recent employment report, we continue to find a heavy trend of hiring in low wage employment sectors.

 For example, 32,000 jobs were added in “leisure and hospitality” bringing the annual total of jobs added to 311,000. Another 21,000 jobs were added in social assistance which pay very little but will grow as demand for health support grows by an aging population.

 The system at least in the eyes of Wall Street and the government is working perfectly fine. We have a plentiful supply of low wage labor while laws and bailout mechanisms are in place for the financially and politically connected. The middle class continues to fall off the bandwagon one by one and enters a labor force of permanent low wage labor with very little prospect of a decent retirement. In fact, most will be working until all the wheels come flying off.

We also find that 1 out of 4 Americans are working in jobs that pay $10 or less per hour. How about trying to earn the American Dream on that McJob salary?

read more here

It's the same the whole world over
It's the poor that gets the blame,
It's the rich that gets the pleasure 
Ain't it all a bleedin' shame?

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