Wednesday, November 07, 2012

The American Election

"None of that stuff will affect me thankfully. My life is already shit. I am an ugly, fat, lonely thirty-something with a secure but low-paying job who makes ends-meet and doesn't get welfare or assistance and is waiting patiently to die. When the amount of money I make no longer supports me, I will quietly kill myself. What else am I to do? Go to a welfare office and see the dregs of society? Beg the shitty government for some peanuts with a bunch of drug addicts and scumbags? Ask other people in my community for help? There are no communities anymore, just individuals fucking each other over forever. Fuck that. There is no hope. Obama won't do anything differently if he wins, the rhetoric will just be nicer. There is fundamentally no difference between Obama and Romney. If anything, the Republicans are just honest about not giving a fuck about the people while the Democrats pretend to, and then don't give a fuck also. None of the elites care about actual people and why should they" 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With socialism there is hope.