The introduction bodes well with clear statements of where the blame lies for the ecological mess we're now in. 'We live in a social system predicated on endless expansion' and 'The blind, unplanned drive to accumulate that is the hallmark of capitalist production – the profit motive – has created the problem of climate change, not individuals' profligate natures or overpopulation.'
The first four chapters cover the science of climate change, debunk the myth of overpopulation (an excellent chapter read in isolation) and 'make the case as to why there can be no such thing as sustainable or environmentally friendly capitalism.' Williams' arguments are backed up with well-documented notes in which he refers to a host of well-known and well-respected ecologists, scientists and writers, along with named articles and reports. Although he repeatedly states that capitalism as a system is the cause of the world's environmental problems he also stresses that it is neoliberalism that has speeded up the process detrimentally. In fact, at this stage, by pages 57/58 some reforms to neoliberalism are listed as being a way 'to roll back the hostility' that small farmers have suffered.
The second half of the chapters are devoted to Marxism and the environment, socialist sustainability and solutions.
Question (mine): how many solutions can there be to capitalist ecological crisis? If the argument has been all the way through that it is capitalism that has caused the ecological crisis then the solution must be single and particular: get rid of the cause.
Unfortunately, from a very promising beginning, Williams quickly negates the case he started to build ostensibly for socialism by saying in one breath the productive forces need to be in the hands of the producers and in the next that we, as workers, must fight for good unionised jobs. There is a definite lack of coherence in his argument from hereon in. The book's title is 'Ecology and Socialism' and the ecology side is explained admirably well. (He gives ecology courses as part of his work at Pace University, N.Y.) As to the socialist aspect of the book, at some stage Williams does address the difficulty of writing for an American readership in that the general misconceptions widely held by many US citizens as to what socialism actually is may prevent them from serious consideration of these or similar arguments. Perhaps it is this that has led to such muddled thinking when attempting to lay out what socialism is? He states and agrees with Marx's position that ecology (nature) and socialism are inextricably linked but goes on to muddy the water by detailing more of an overhaul than an overturn of capitalism. He claims that separate nation states and borders could not exist but nowhere is there any mention of a moneyless world. And that the government needs to be pushed into making changes – as it has been before – by millions of people fighting for change in this area or that; but no mention of how reformism is an endless treadmill of two steps forward and two steps back.
In comparing the US situation with that of Europe he has this to say, 'As European capitalism has survived and prospered with tougher governmental regulatory controls and greater restrictions on corporations, it is clear that we can win important and life-enhancing reforms without threatening the overall structure of capitalism.' Are we to seriously consider that 'European capitalism' has done or is going to do anything beyond nodding towards serious climate change reversal? And what of the statistics of the unemployed, homeless, malnourished; how do they fit into the 'important and life-enhancing reforms?' Then he goes on to say that reforms, theoretically possible in capitalism, will only be made if politicians are 'forced' to implement them (by us). So now, it seems, we are to devote all our spare time and energy to demonstrations and strike action for a bit of reform here and there. Surely if all that mass energy is to be rallied we go for the whole thing – system change – now heard so often, and even featured on the book's cover, but obviously misunderstood by many to mean a system of reforms. To end the chapter there is a hint that he doesn't really support what he's written so far when he writes of competing capitalist states that can't plan and coordinate on the global level required and that, 'such planning could only realistically come about through a completely different way of organising production – one based not on making a profit but meeting human need.'
I'm not convinced that Williams has really come to his own conclusion yet as to what he sees as the alternative. Where are his proposals as to how we rid ourselves of the profit motive? If we don't rid ourselves of money how do we rid ourselves of the profit motive? He offers plenty of solid argument to back up the idea that only a society not driven by the profit motive would benefit both labour and nature positively and yet Williams seems to shy away from total commitment. How can he write that nothing short of totally remodelling the world on a social, political, technological, cultural and infrastructural level within a fully democratic process carried out by those who will be affected by those decisions, with no nation states or borders and therefore no resource wars – and then add that the Global South will require 'technological help, capital and training.' (my emphasis)
I think he has shot himself in the foot by seemingly offering an alternative, having given ample reasons why capitalism can't change its logic, but by being far too ambiguous about the solution/s he offers us. Conspicuous by its absence is just what Williams proposes is our actual route to this ill-defined alternative society.
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