Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Characteristic Chinese Socialism?

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a major source of cobalt, vital for battery technology, an industry dominated by Japanese, South Korean and Chinese manufacturers. The actual mining is done by an indigenous workforce whose continuing poverty, and depredated environment, is an exemplar of capitalism at its rawest.

In her article for ‘Black Agenda Report’, Ann Garrison wrote,

‘Huge Chinese corporations so dominate Congolese cobalt mining, processing and battery manufacture that one has to ask why a communist government, however capitalist in fact, doesn’t at least somehow require more responsible sourcing of minerals processed and then advanced along the supply chain within its borders?’

Actually, Ann Garrison answers her own question by her oxymoronic linking communist and capitalist with the Chinese government. Delete ‘communist’ from her statement and she describes precisely how an avowedly capitalist government can be expected to act. It can do no other. Whatever the governing party calls itself. Profit is paramount.


D. A.  

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