Saturday, July 15, 2023

Supermarket food bills a quarter higher


The Guardian reports that Which? Have noted supermarket prices show an increase of twenty five per cent over the last two years.

‘Two years of relentlessly soaring food prices have had a devastating impact on households,” said Sue Davies, the Which? head of food policy. “This isn’t helped by the confusing and inconsistent pricing practices used by some supermarkets, which make it incredibly difficult to work out how to find the best value products.’

Perhaps Which? Should take out a subscription to the Socialist Standard where it will discover that the ‘devastating impact on households’ is caused by capitalism.

The German owned Aldi and Lidl have the highest inflation figures , 19.3 per cent and 21.4 per cent. Across two years their inflation rate is verging on thirty five per cent.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) inflation data for June is expected to show a rate of 8.2% from 8.7% in May. The Bank of England’s target remains at two per cent inflation. Are house buyers in for another kicking soon?

The ‘best value’ products will be those which are produced for use in a socialist society – because they will be free.

The tinkering with the practices of capitalist food providers benefit no one.

Think of the benefits to all if the effort expended in making the capitalist system more palatable to all was focused on bringing about socialism.

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