Monday, January 20, 2020

Global Inequality

The 42 richest people in the world have as much wealth as half the world put together.

The world’s richest 2,153 people controlled more money than the poorest 4.6 billion

The 22 richest men in the world have more combined wealth than all 325 million women in Africa, according to an Oxfam report

Half the world’s population continue to live on less than $5.50-a-day. Figures show that 82 per cent of all wealth created last year went to the richest 1 per cent. They claim that 0 per cent went to the world's poorest half

Women and girls are putting in 12.5 billion hours of unpaid care work every day, such as looking after children and the elderly, which amounts to a contribution to the global economy of at least $10.8 trillion a year - more than three times the size of the global tech industry. Women, especially those living in poverty, “do more than three-quarters of all unpaid care work. 42 per cent of women are outside the paid workforce because of unpaid care responsibilities compared to just six per cent of men.”

The 42 richest people in the world (estimated wealth in billions)

Bill Gates ($86), Warren Buffet ($75.6), Jeff Bezos ($72.8), Amancio Ortega ($71.3), Mark Zuckerberg ($56), Carlos Slim Helu ($54.5), Larry Ellison ($52.2), Charles Koch ($48.3), David Koch ($48.3), Michael Bloomberg ($47.5), Bernard Arnault ($41.5). Larry Page ($40.7), Sergey Brin ($39.8), Liliane Bettencourt ($39.5), S. Robson Walton ($34.1), Jim Walton ($34), Alice Walton ($33.8), Wang Jianlin ($31.3), Li Ka-shing ($31.2), Sheldon Adelson ($30.4), Steve Ballmer ($30), Jorge Paulo Lemann ($29.2), Jack Ma ($28.3), Beate Heister and Karl Albrechet Jr.($27.2), David Thomson ($27.2), Jacqueline Mars ($27), John Mars ($27), Phil Knight ($26.2), Maria France Fissolo ($25.2), George Soros ($25.2), Ma Huateng ($24.9), Lee Shau Kee ($24.4), Mukesh Ambani ($23.2), Masayoshi Son ($21.2), Kjeld Kirk Krstiansen ($21.1), Georg Schaeffler ($20.7), Joseph Safra ($20.5), Michael Dell ($20.4), Susanne Klatten ($20.4), Len Blavatnik ($20), Laurene Powell Jobs ($20), Paul Allen ($19.9)

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