Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The World Food Prize - Winners And Losers

The World Food Prize is the foremost international award recognizing -- without regard to race, religion, nationality, or political beliefs -- the achievements of individuals who have advanced human development by improving the quality, quantity or availability of food in the world.

The Prize recognizes contributions in any field involved in the world food supply -- food and agriculture science and technology, manufacturing, marketing, nutrition, economics, poverty alleviation, political leadership and the social sciences.
The World Food Prize emphasizes the importance of a nutritious and sustainable food supply for all people. By honoring those who have worked successfully toward this goal, The Prize calls attention to what has been done to improve global food security and to what can be accomplished in the future.
Dr. Norman E. Borlaug, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 for his work in world agriculture, envisioned a prize that would honor those who have made significant and measurable contributions to improving the world's food supply. Beyond recognizing these people for their personal accomplishments, Borlaug saw The Prize as a means of establishing role models who would inspire others. His vision was realized when The World Food Prize was created in 1986.

Since then, The World Food Prize has honored outstanding individuals who have made vital contributions to improving the quality, quantity, or availability of food throughout the world. Laureates have been recognized from countries around the world, including Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Cuba, Denmark, Ethiopia, India, Mexico, Sierra Leone, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United Nations and the United States.
The World Food Prize is sponsored by businessman and philanthropist John Ruan and is located in Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Ruan stepped forward to endow The Prize in 1990 when its first sponsor withdrew. Without Mr. Ruan's generosity, The Prize and Dr. Borlaug's vision could not have continued. Today John Ruan's son, Mr. John Ruan III, has succeeded his father as chairman of the World Food Prize. The Foundation's president is Ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn. A Council of Advisors provides guidance and support.

from their own website here

Sounds good so far - but no mention of who and what are really the backbone of the organisation now. Perhaps the donors need to be checked out before going any further:

THE WORLD FOOD PRIZE sincerely thanks the following donors for supporting the World Food Prize Foundation:
The Governor and The State Legislature of Iowa
Iowa Economic Development Authority
The John Ruan Foundation Trust
The Rockefeller Foundation 
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation • DuPont Pioneer • Howard G. Buffett Foundation • John Deere Foundation
The Mathile Institute for the Advancement of Human Nutrition • Monsanto
Ruan Transportation Management Systems • Claudia and Paul Schickler
 Alliant Energy • Archer Daniels Midland Company • Bankers Trust • Bayer CropScience • Bravo Greater Des Moines
Bridgestone Firestone • Cargill • Dairy Management, Inc. • Elanco • Iowa Farm Bureau and FBL Financial Group
FMC Corporation • General Mills • Hormel • Hy-Vee
Iowa Corn Promotion Board and Iowa Corn Growers Association • Iowa Pork Foundation
Iowa Soybean Association • Iowa State University • Kemin Industries • Land O’Lakes • Nestlé
Novozymes • Novus International • PepsiCo • Principal Financial Group Foundation • Janis and John Ruan
Sehgal Family Foundation • Soyfoods Council • Syngenta Corporation • Syngenta Foundation • The Mosaic Company
United Soybean Board • USDA Agricultural Research Service • Wallace Genetic Foundation • Walmart
West Central • World Initiative for Soy in Human Health • W.T. and Edna M. Dahl Trust 
AARP Foundation • Ag Insight  • Beef Products, Inc. • Margo and Don Blumenthal
Casey’s General Store • Jake Christensen and Susan Fitzsimmons • Patty and Jim Cownie • Deere and Company
De Lage Landen Agricredit • Thomas Donohue • Candy and Denny Elwell • Eurofins
European Motorcars of Des Moines • Charise and Rory Flynn • Michele and Barry Griswell
GRM International, A GRM Futures Group Company • Mary Pat and Joe Gunderson
Harris Vaccines • Patty and Jeff Link • Sharon and Landis Martin
Merchant Investments, Inc. • MidAmerican Energy • Musco Lighting • Nationwide Agribusiness
May May Ng • Arthur Neis • Neumann Brothers • Prairie Meadows Casino and Racetrack • Linda and Tom Schaefer
Sukup Manufacturing • The Waldinger Corporation • Wellmark, Inc. • William Penn University • Willis Cadillac 
Sarah Barnett • Anne and Neil Broderick • Belin McCormick, P.C. • James Boyt • Keith Bryan
CFA Society of Iowa • Jane Chase • Maryanna Destro and John Woog • Ronald Eckoff • Rosalie Gallagher
Roswell and Elizabeth Garst Foundation • George Yates Questers • Karen and Bill Hess
Mary Ann and John Hicks • Carole and Jeff Hix • International Traders of Iowa • Iowa Savings Bank
Iowa State Education Association • Iowa State Bank • Lori and Sam Kalainov • Kevin Koester
Kaye and Richard Lozier • Margaret and Tom Mehl • Merrill Lynch • Robert Nervig • Le Chi Nguyen
Jane and Steve Noah • Denise and Larry Oliphant • Le Son and Kenneth Quinn • Dr. Yogesh Shah
Geri Sieberling • Bernice Vlahakos • Martin Walsh

from here

Main objective: good food for all or good profits for the few?


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