Walt Disney Company has begun construction on a lavish Shanghai version of Disney World . When completed, the project will offer China’s growing consumer society resort hotels, a castle, Disney-themed rides, and a myriad of shopping opportunities.
Alan Gould, an analyst with New York-based Evercore Partners, said: "the Shanghai park provides Disney with a powerful business partner (the Chinese government) and a blueprint for business expansion to fully exploit the surging domestic consumption in the fastest-growing economy in the world. The Chinese government will be the majority owner of the park and arguably will benefit from the expansion of the Disney brand, the awareness of Disney content and the protection of Disney's intellectual property in China." Gould also said Disney "has the strongest China strategy of any of the studios" and that "near term value could be created if Disney can negotiate a 24-hour cable network in China or wider distribution of its films."
You do know that Walt Disney's dad was a Debsian Socialist?
I didn't but i do now
HMMMMMMM food for thought...
“A Bugs Life” has all the elements of the topical Disney presentation of the class struggle: the proletariat, represented by the worker ants, the bourgeoisie, represented by the grasshoppers, the greedy slave-driving boss, represented by the “boss flea” in charge of the flee circus. Famous line include : “if the ants only realized that they outnumber us a hundred to one, we would be finished!”. The movie ends with the defeat of the overclass, as the revolutionary hero Flik inspires the ants to rise up and ensure that the ants get to keep all the “surplus” grain they collect by their collective effort.
Disney has clearly continued its tradition of promoting Marxist ideology in movies such as “Monster’s Inc.” where the villain is a factory owner who is found torturing little children" http://www.rationalmind.net/2002/10/06/disney-socialism/
"Toy Story 3" as a Socialist Parable [Orwellian dysopia like animal farm ?]- The daycare is depicted as becoming a socialist utopia once Lotso is ousted. The toys that stay there come up with a system in which they share the labor of having to be played with by the toddlers. If Sunnyside is a metaphor for a socialist society, it's meant to be a corrupt one in which a dictatorial leader has used the language of socialism to enforce a system in which privileges are saved for those in his cadre." http://www.ifc.com/news/2010/12/toy-story-3-as-a-socialist-par.php
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