Socialists say, "Workers have no country.You have nothing to lose but your chains.You have a world to win "
As socialists we want to participate in a progression of the global community to free humankind’s real human potential we say,“We demand the world and everything in it and on it, in conditions of free access and democratic control.”
However,it doesn't come as a surprise to socialists to discover,lurking at the heart of society,nascent racism, xenophobia and nationalist sentiments. This baggage, carefuly nurtured on opposing spectrums of the left-right, capitalist political compost heap.
Ian Mc Whirter in the Glasgow Herald had some interesting comments , once he declared himself safely, 'middle class',what silliness from a fellow worker, concluding, in a nostalgic,if whimsical, note for Robert Tressel's Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
"Perhaps the trade unionists among them should dig out their copies of that great socialist novel, The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists by Robert Tressell
We are not so naive as to assume there are many copies, dusty or otherwise, floating around on trade unionists bookshelves these days .The links above in the text,take you directly to the online T.U.C. copies.
If we look at mainstream media and reports it would seem that this strike is, indeed if only partly, informed by slavish, anti-working class attitudes, attempting to preserve access to diminishing job prospects and resist attempts to import whole work-gangs, to the ends of excluding locally resident workers.
By-passing the quality and gutter press ,to see an alleged report from one of the strike hit sites, posted by militant reformists at Lindsey total refinery North Lincolnshire.It is claimed there was overwhelming support for this. "The mass meeting overwhelmingly voted for these demands put to them by the strike committee."
* No victimisation of workers taking solidarity action.
* All workers in UK to be covered by NAECI Agreement.
* Union controlled registering of unemployed and locally skilled
union members, with nominating rights as work becomes available.
* Government and employer investment in proper training /
apprenticeships for new generation of construction workers - fight
for a future for young people.
* All Immigrant labour to be unionised.
* Trade Union assistance for immigrant workers - including
interpreters - and access to Trade Union advice - to promote
active integrated Trade Union Members.
* Build links with construction trade unions on the continent.
Maybe so , but some spinning is going on there also, as left-wingers attempt damage limitation, truth may be a casualty here too, in that account
Mc Whirter makes a telling point.
" Labour has adopted largely the same immigration controls that the Tories advocated in 2005. By subtly appealing to economic nationalism in this way, the government has legitimised actions that set worker against worker. Now the entire strategy has blown up in its face".
As socialists we want to participate in a progression of the global community to free humankind’s real human potential.We don't set out minimum demands for capitalism such as the left do.
While some, if not all of this, is quite understandable union activity and 'as workers', socialists are no different from other workers, in seeking to maximise economic advantage, this is not an end in itself.
The SPGB socialists position is uncompromising.
The stance of the unions and the pseudo-socialist groups in the oil refinery protests must serve as a warning.
Faced with a major economic crisis that threatens the capitalist profit system, their response is to adopt the noxious policy of economic nationalism and anti-migrant propaganda, while embracing the government and the employers as the allies of "British workers".
The strikes notably do not challenge the rights of bosses to exploit workers universally, but rather demand that they exploit their own local or national workforce instead!
We don't set out to recycle capitalism and ameliorate the conditions of it ,as history shows, all this activity,even if some success is attended upon parts of it,will be unpicked as soon as circumstances permit, by the capitalist class.
Rather we assert,“Give us our world.” We socialists say, "Dont recycle capitalism,bin it".
To this end we extend the hand of friendship to fellow workers of all countries and none, and urge all to consider the case for socialism, starting by asking,or revisiting the main question , the one the Left never answer, go on look at their sites and lists for an answer,which is...What is socialism?.

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