Corporate Watch monitored the whole affair and scathingly commented on the debacle thus, “Capitalism failing to help the world’s poorest people AGAIN then, Bono? . . . . . Shopping isn’t the solution. Just give directly and bypass American Express, Gap et al.” (Is there a tinge of altruism here too?) But no thanks to the punters who (misguidedly) supported the campaign and no guidance either as to what they could do other than shop less and contribute more directly to charity.
What needs to be pointed out to both punters and Corporate Watch is that charity has its price too. In this capitalist world just how much of your donation is used for what it was intended and how much is swallowed up with administration, wages, and transportation costs etc. etc? How much charity from how many individuals for how many more years will rid the world of its inequalities, starvation, health epidemics and poverty? Faced up to the answers are stark. The statistics are available for all to see. No amount from growing numbers of donors for ever and a day will put an end to the ever increasing disparities. The one and only answer is a total system change. Has Corporate Watch considered looking into that?
I really, really despite that wanker Bono. Bob Geldof is just as bad, or should I say Sir Geldof, with the private mansion in the south of England which he fenced off with a huge wall despite some of it being commons.
well said
Imagine all the untold 1000's of charities world-wide, and all the years they have been going. And all the supporters they have.
If this time, money and effort were used to help our class realise their true class-consciousness and generate a mass movement for international socialism -by now we could most possibly eradicated practically all of the single issues they oppose - by ending capitalism - which is responsible for almost all problems 'charities' say they wish to tackle.
Stuff the 2 B's - mind's me of the self-praise and worth the charity givers,etc lavished on theirselves, while comdemning and judging the poor in R.Tressell's Ragged Trousered Philantropists.
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