Sunday, October 15, 2006

What? Another Blog?

So here is another Blog.

Given time and effort it will make a case for a post capitalist society.

We aim to provide comment and analysis from an uncompromising Socialist point of view.

We will make no pretence to objectivity.

We will present a no nonsense case for ending the present way of running the common affairs of humanity.

We will present a political programme based on fact and argument. A programme that we know can be understood by anyone willing to give it consideration.

The challenges before us all can be simply put:

Do we continue to put up with a world of poverty amid a potential for plenty?

Do we continue to endure international quarrels and the threat or reality of war?

Do we remain the victims of a world in which others take the decisions that affect our lives?

Do we continue to inhabit a world run in the interests of a small minority?

Or do we take up the challenge of organising politically to end the capitalist system in all its forms?

Capitalism produces only so long as there is a profit to be made.

Capitalism is a system where human needs are subservient to the market.

Capitalism is a system that is ripe for replacement.

It can be ended when a majority of us decide to do so and know what needs to be done.

We will not present ourselves as intellectual giants but simply as men and women from the class in society that produces and distributes the useful goods and services on which society depends for its existence.

We are members of the working class and in this blog we will appeal to our fellow workers on the basis of a common class interest.

Across the world workers have one interest in common – the establishment of a society of common ownership and democratic control of the world we all inhabit.

The interests that unite workers wherever they live are vastly greater than the supposed differences that divide.

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