
Friday, August 16, 2024

SPGB Summer School starts today Friday 16 August: On ZOOM

The SPGB Summer School begins today, Friday, 16 August. It is taking place at the University of Worcester.

Bookings are no available to attend in person but the four talks planned will be streamed over Zoom:

All timings are GMT+1

Political Consciousness: From Society to Ideology

‘Our understanding of the kind of society we’re living in is shaped by our circumstances: our home, our work, our finances, our communities.

Recognising our own place in the economy, politics and history is part of developing a wider awareness of how capitalist society functions.

Alongside an understanding of the mechanics of capitalism, political consciousness also involves our attitude towards it. Seeing through the ideologies which promote accepting our current social system requires us to question and judge what we experience.

Realising that capitalism doesn’t benefit the vast majority of people naturally leads on to considering what alternative society could run for the benefit of everyone.’

The Socialist Party’s weekend of talks and discussion explores what political consciousness is, how it arises and what we, as a class and as individuals, can do with it.'

What's on and when.

Friday 16 August

1915 Keith Graham on Political Consciousness: What Can We Learn From Marx?

Saturday 17 August

1000: Brian Gardner on "They are many, we are few" The Political Consciousness Of The Capitalist Class?

1400: Paddy Shannon on Political Consciousness: Could GenZ Be Onto Something?

1915: A Q&A with Cat Rylance: An Introduction To Communist Future

Sunday 18 August

1000: Darren Poynton on Socialist Consciousness, Solidarity And Democratic Virtues

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