
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Oxfam Indicts the G20

The G20 represent two-thirds of the world's population and four-fifths of the world's economic power.

 G20 world leaders have failed to take definitive action to tackle poverty, hunger, climate, debt and deprivation that is crippling millions of people around the world, says Oxfam.

“In the midst of a debt, austerity and inequality crisis we expected far more from the world’s largest economies, especially given the meteoric rise of billionaire wealth in their backyards,” said Oxfam’s  Joern Kalinski. “The world needs concrete action to avert economic disaster for poor people and countries, but all we were left with was recycled assurances, a simmering debt crisis and vaccine and health steps as useful as putting a band-aid on a broken leg.” Kalinski continued, "There was no sign of a collective resolve to address the world’s problems including climate crisis, growing hunger, rising poverty figures and gaping economic and social inequality.” 

Oxfam's press release states, "The G20 reiterated often-heard promises of addressing world hunger but makes no new funding pledges to match that ambition nor commitments to support a shift to a more local and sustainable food production. Our food system has for years perpetuated inequality, impoverished small-scale farmers while wreaking havoc on the climate...The world continues to slide towards uncontrollable catastrophic warming which is exacerbating poverty, hunger and injustice worldwide."

“The G20s theme was “Recover Together, Recover Stronger” but how can that be realized when this summit did nothing to bolster public goods like public health systems or make tangible new commitments to fix all the breakages in nations’ education systems?” said Kalinski. “...The G20 has shown an unfathomable ability to forget the scale of the economic, social and health crisis caused by the neglect and under-resourcing of health systems which are now more geared towards eyewatering profits over patients.”

 "...With so much at stake, this G20 summit finished largely empty and bereft,” said Kalinski.

G20 verdict: Oxfam criticizes G20 for lack of action to tackle extreme inequality | Common Dreams

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