
Saturday, March 19, 2022

War is a product of capitalism


“The prospect of nuclear conflict, once unthinkable, is now back within the realm of possibility,” said the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

The fight for socialism is now more than a fight to end poverty and inequality, to abolish the exploitation of man by man. Today the fight for socialism is a fight to prevent the annihilation of the human race. Mankind must now exterminate the capitalist system – or possibly be exterminated.

The war in Ukraine is a crime against civilised humanity. It is of little use to cry out against war while we tolerate a social system that breeds war. Capitalism makes war inevitable. Capitalist nations not only exploit their workers but ruthlessly invade, plunder, and ravage one another. The profit system is responsible for it all. Abolish that, establish industrial democracy, produce for use, and the incentive to war vanishes. Let us show the people the true cause of war. Let us arouse anger against war. We are against all wars.

The workers who side with the bosses and support capitalism politically and otherwise, and are therefore responsible for capitalism, are also responsible for the hell they get in war and the poverty they endure in peace. To conceal the true source of war, capitalist propagandists divide the nations into “aggressors” and “peace-loving.” This is a lie. The people of every nation hate war, for they are its victims. They are plunged into war by the capitalist rulers, who alone profit from it. No trust whatsoever can be placed in the “peace-loving” declarations of the statesmen of capitalism in this or any other country. 

Workers must awake, and awake quickly, to the realisation that war with all its horrors is the product of the capitalist system.

The nature of capitalist imperialism cannot be changed. The yearning of the peoples of the world for lasting peace on earth and goodwill among men and women can be fulfilled only through a social system based on human needs. That is international socialism. World socialism is the goal of humanity. It is the only way to have peace and security. 


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