
Thursday, September 16, 2021

Protect Universal Credit

 UK government, Olivier De Schutter, the UN-appointed rapporteur on extreme poverty, said, “It’s unconscionable at this point in time to remove this benefit,” he said, adding the decision to cut universal credit – which was boosted last year to help people get through the pandemic – was based on a “very ill-informed understanding” of its impact on claimants.

Cutting universal credit by £20 a week breaches international human rights law and is likely to trigger an explosion of poverty, the United Nations’ poverty envoy said.

“For these people, £20 a week makes a huge difference, and could be the difference between falling into extreme poverty or remaining just above that poverty line … If the question is one of fiscal consolidation to maintain the public deficit within acceptable levels then you should raise revenues, not cut down on welfare at the expense of people in poverty.”

There was plentiful evidence showing millions of people would struggle to afford food and pay essential bills as a result.

‘Unconscionable’ universal credit cut breaks human rights law, says UN envoy | Universal credit | The Guardian

How cutting universal credit will affect families


Number of families facing a £1,040-a-year cut to their incomes


Additional people pulled into poverty, including 200,000 children


Proportion affected by the cut that are working families


Constituencies where more than one in three working families with children will be hit


Proportion of people on universal credit either in work or unable to work


Number of people unable to work who will have their incomes cut


Proportion of households on universal credit that say food will be harder to afford after cut

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